
She got especially popular from Reddit. Look her up, you'll see why. Check out her Happy Easter video on youtube.

Good call.

Thanks for posting this, I'll be keeping it it mind.

I have an hour lunch, so I run 5km every lunch, 5 days/week, totalling 100km per month. It's a perfect distance to run in that time and it's a great goal for anybody to aim for.


It's an alt-character.

Yep, that's how I put it in my pocket too.

I believe the original purpose is to make the articles easier to read for english-as-a-seond-language people. So it's really supposed to be "Simple English".

Fruits create matter, everyone knows this.

Neat, I'd be interested if it works better than AlbumReminder and is still free :)

After testing my locks years ago, I picked up some bump-proof locks.

Would it provide functionality different from ?

Wow, thanks for taking the time to help me out.

Yep, you have the experience to get a better job.

Thank you, that clarifies it a bit. Also, a mini-keyboard is a really neat idea!


Hmm, I currently use a small wireless mouse/keyboard combo with a regular pc attached to my TV. I'm pretty happy with it, I just open the video file that I want to watch. I'm new to this - what's the advantage to a home theatre PC and is it worth the time and effort?

I took this course as well, but it was not intended for those who already use many of Google's search features. Definitely not worth 5 hours of your time. You're better off reading websites that show you search operators like this: . But it's a nice introduction to

I believe so. If you don't currently have the 50gb, use the Slickdeals link in the article to sign up for a new account and get 25gb.

You need a non-commercial address (like a school or company email address). Something that isn't commercially available like outlook, gmail, yahoo, etc, etc.