
Perhaps that will be one of the biggest upcoming breakthrough to screen technology?

I have had no issues finding any systems at Walmart. They always seem to have 4-5 sitting on the shelf.

The “being nice” strategy only works when your team is smart enough to take direction. Most have no sense of strategy or tactics and just bumble around.

It is kind of funny. Around here it is easy to get. Walmarts around here have always had 4 or 5 in stock.

Everyone has different opinions about this. I know what these guys did is horribly wrong, but what I feel is the worst part is the attempted cover up. 30 years ago, they would have gotten away with it.

All this would be solved if WB stepped up and made a Static Shock movie. That is one of the more enjoyable superheroes of DC Comics.

Basically exploiting since only another Lucio or Pharah could get to you out there. Then again, they effectively made it a 5 v 6 in the process...

Lol? Lucio has thr highest healing output. If there is a Lucio, it is very hard to outheal them. They don’t have big direct heals.. But you didn’t say that.

Nothing about the Switch is appealing right now. Their answers or lack thereof, doesn’t help either. Too many are going to be “wait and see”.