
Andrei Chikatilo might be the most famous serial killer in Russia (53 murders, was executed in 1994) and for one of his murders another person was executed before Chikatilo's arrest. This played some role in the ban of death penalty in Russia, however with totally corrupt police and justice system the death penalty is

Oh this is absolutely about me, i even had both first and last name starting with 'E'

Some createonists are even claim that corn and bananas in groceries are proof of creation, since they fit so well to human needs

I think he actually pointed out perhaps the most common trope of all space SF and even thoughts of some ordinary people about future where humans are colonizing hundreds of planets usually relying on miracle FTL engines, while there is much more plausible way for increasing live-space for growing population.

So alien

Even if they made Dorn, i don't think that all Sands will appear, likely just one or two of them, perhaps including the girl who has sneaked into Citadel

From all characters mentioned Bran has most chances to survive at the end of series, though in vegetable state

All of this ideas are much better than an actual purpose of nuclear weapons

actually it is Russia on the image

Ancillary Justice has a bad language as far as I can tell, but still well deserved; and on debut; and definitely better then last year winner 2312

While playing in 3d person POV you are looking at your character all the time, why not to make it what you want, if a game give you a choice, because many games don't.

Moscow, and i hope to leave in a year

Rogozin is a clown. He also wants to ban Facebook and Twitter in Russia, and annex western Moldova ('Pridnestrovie')

Any probable date for Europa mission? Looks like definitely not before 2025-2030 so may be by 2040 we may expect some results. In current political situation i rather will live until nuclear war between Russia and US before we find out if there is life on Europe

mass mind never brings anything good

Sometimes (very rarely) after wake up i found one hand or another unable to move and barely feeling it. This goes away after some movements with the help of other hand, not nice feeling at all.

The writers of the recent books of this theme are doing the right thing even if they studies might be completely false, there should be no unspeakable themes in science even if some people want to have the racism as one of them. Proposing new theories is always good if it does not serves current politics of course.

Interesting design, i never saw this before. However it's unclear why it is better than just two wheels