
IMDB rating vs. box office will be definitely better, but it's not easy with box office: inflation, home video and merchandising not included, true numbers some times avoided

All this films except Matrix are overrated, may be it's not good to use VFX to tell a story. And shouldn't Avatar being here?

Cannot believe that Sleepy Hollow wasn't canceled while Almost Human was

i was always uncomfortable with this eagles logos

Sukharev Tower, Moscow demolished in 1934

Fort Bourtange, Netherlands.

It is not unique case,My Little Pony was targeted to young girls to promote toys, now it has major fanbase of males and also females older than 16

from wikipedia

Last execution in Utah (2010) was by firing squad


I can create myself mithos to that point that i dream about it, so i have dream about every stuff that i really enjoyed, and also about some stuff that i thought i didn't enjoyed much.

There is no alternative to fossil fuel in the aviation, tanks / military autos, military satellites launching and this is almost all fuel requirements. Only ships can effectively use another fuel sources.

There are two big misconceptions in Russia:

Situation in Russia and east Ukraine is not funny at all, quite close to Pinochet regime

Meanwhile right now in Russia there are serious plans to build their own great firewall like the one in China, because after the revolution in Ukraine Russia is declining very rapidly into autocratic state, already overreached Belarus and Kazahstan

Actually peoples of nearby areas were VERY lucky during the disaster, should the wind be different - most of Kiev urban area will be damaged instead of woods of southern Belarus

this is her TARDIS