
Good for President Obama! It is about time he had some serious fun after 8 years of hell. (here)

They expect the cowards Republicans cowards to actually vote against Der Leader?

It is still a sad statement that we have to tell men that rape is wrong.

Why do we need to remind athletes not to rape? I am really tired of that concept. “We’ll have some training sessions on not raping.” Really? Does that sound even sane to anyone?

Was NCAA ever moral or ethical? They have been concealing crimes by their players for decades. If it affects the money, it just disappears into the night.

More of that GOP belief in freedom we keep hearing so much about.

“Except my reason is I have autism - what the hell is his excuse?”

So more restrictions on abortion, money to the “family” of the aborted cellular mass (that is what it is), but not one thin fucking dime from these self proclaimed “christians” for the increasing number of children living in poverty under their bible thumping noses. Not one whit of consideration in the name of the

That sounds good until you think about who replaces Trump. Because Pence is actually worse. Way fucking worse.

10,000 stars for the calm in that response.

This market is a giant bubble waiting for an excuse to burst. The underlying real economy in no way supports the prices of many of the Dow 30, let alone the rest of the market. Most of these gains are paper only, generated by cost cutting (read that laying off scores of employees to increase the bottom line

Because this is what we do best!

How can you tell is someone at a dinner is a vegan?


“attempted procurement of a miscarriage”

There was a time when that was a woman’s option unless she was wealthy.

(I just noticed that my post to you started with “I upset your opinion and recognize...” I missed the auto correct from the intended respect to upset. My error and I apologize.)

I upset your opinion and recognize that you come from within the autism community and have a far more personal perspective than I do on this. That said, I must disagree with bringing up Barron Trump in this context. The initial mention was malicious at best, and, not at all intended to spur a legitimate conversation

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Not. A. Goddamned. Thing.