Making a video game about it is mocking war. Do you get Steam achievements in real combat too? Funny how all of the people who scream, “calm down its just a video game” when Anita Sarasskessian says something are all up in arms about this.
Making a video game about it is mocking war. Do you get Steam achievements in real combat too? Funny how all of the people who scream, “calm down its just a video game” when Anita Sarasskessian says something are all up in arms about this.
The point is not that “they are not talking about real WW I” (go-go middle school syntax). The point is that one of the most horrific periods in human history is being used as a springboard for mockery.
Good thing the screenshots are from a video game and not real life, huh? No need to get your panties in a bunch.
The wife in this was on Children’s Hospital back in the day. She can be very funny. Probably will not in this though.
Damn, this shit is on CBS too. Old people will watch anything, huh?
This is an ode to someone who has no life.
That’s bullshit. Cam took much harder hits and still was allowed to play. Make this asshole do as well.
He should have got out of the way. Everyone else did.
And absolutely no conservatives got mad or upset at all when anti-war protesters called Bush a criminal. Nope, none whatsoever.
OR the right wingers feel the need to shut down and stop players from taking a knee/sitting during the National Anthem and don’t do anything to shut this down.
If he was thinking of becoming a cop, he’s dirty as hell.
If he was drunk, then its his own fault. The service tells you to watch your step. Someone who is drunk and not paying attention, whose motor skills are impaired is not the MTA’s fault.
Yeah, what’s a little illegal drugs? Laws, shmaws, right?
I take a little pleasure in him seeing his ideas and beliefs being mocked by the nation. I sure his hateful heart shriveled two sizes when Barack Obama was elected president.
What’s the matter? Are you triggered?
The weirdest thing is that Peretti is not mixed; he’s just a Italian white dude. The thing that makes him and his sister — Chelsea Peretti — different from the vast majority of white people is that they had a black woman as their stepmother after their father’s divorce for all of their children and early adulthood.
There is no evidence that the baby is actually his.
Sure, deplorable. Sure.
Well, if there is one thing, is that racism totally ceases to exist when you talk about gun control. In fact, the very moment someone says, “gun control”, racism is eradicated.
Sure, buddy. I totally believe you that you are for gun control. Do you also ride in a sleigh one day a year and give out a lot of gifts?