
Jokes am hard.

no it pegs the people who use and manipulate church god and Jesus as dumbasses. People who use religion to back their misguided agendas are the worst kind of people

This is the cheap and easy way to get what you want.

I would watch pro gaming matches on tv all day if they had commentary like that.

Those are some spectacular KICK flips, if you know what im saying....


I don't think you're supposed to make him look angry. The reason why the original "death stare" works is because of the lack of expression on that stare.

Okay, now if they would only do something about the memory cleanup issue that's been lingering since version 3.0...

These new models are absolutely amazing.

I love the way people in developed countries think moving to another country is so easy. Unless you have money, exceptional skills or marry a national of the country you want to move to, it's actually pretty tough to move somewhere else. And I know America is not perfect, but being born there is close to having won

Would help if they had a pair of eyes

There were a few bad ones above, but this is the worst. I don't think that a portuguese person has ever used the word "bumbum" before, it is a brazilian expression.

They can be angry, but they should be angry about how their own expectations weren't aligned with reality (like the Valleywag article discusses, effectively). They have no reasonable grounds to be angry with Oculus or Kickstarter.

The Rift came true, it's functional, on sale and working pretty well. They got what they paid for, the V1.0 Rift. The company was already working in the V2.0 with their own legs, no kickstarting. The name says it: "Kickstart" it's for starting business, not maintaining.

Ah. I'm no D&D player, but I do know my Fat Neils (I suspect it's not just me around here who's been exactly there before). For me it was the most accurate depiction of bullying I've ever seen on screen, from Neil's point of view, from Pierce the villain (who is doing it as much with sheer inconsideracy as actual

Because Saturday morning cartoons is what we were all raised on. Just means that you DVR them to watch as a block on Saturday morning as an adult and enjoy it with the most sugary cereal in your cabinet for one day a week to relive those glory days of youth.

Unless I am very much mistaken, and I may well be, those may be new photos of the old brontosaurus (that's what they called it when they built it, so I'm going with that for now) model with the exposed superstructure, armatures and decaying latex that Forrest J. Ackerman had on display over at this home, the

This reminds me of the T-Rex model from King Kong that I saw a few years ago at a special exhibit on movie monsters in Anaheim. This stuff fascinates me.

Ditto on the Japanese support.

No japanese support, useless to me.