
The beauty of the Marvel films is that they've had a real range of style and tone.

I wouldn't say a riot, but it seems well justified as far as complaints go.

My take on things:

But that's hardly poorly reviewed. Marvel movies had mixed reactions among critics as well, and even if you hated MoS, Zack Snyder had still made a decent adaptation with Watchmen.

Everything needs to be Kunio-Kun and hot-blooded-everything, yes, I agree!

Yeah, Cleveland was... Meh. I know Bob is better nowadays, I love it, it has a lot of charm. I don't think it was really as harmful as a jab though.

Man, Reynolds, man. 3 meh super hero movies and despite not being a favorite he was the best thing in those movies. And now add a 4rth one to the pile.

It was better than I expected (and I'm discounting the fact that The Simpsons might have gotten better since the movie). They're hitting all the "required" notes (the fight, the meta jokes) so it's not totally unpredictable BUT the jokes were surprisingly good. But judging from the initial reaction, I imagine a lot of

Hating? It was a joke about how Bob's and Cleveland's show have/had to follow The Simpsons' and Family Guy's popularity to stay afloat with ratings, despite quality.

It's a Family Guy special, and didn't you see Bart's and Stewie expressions? The joke wasn't mentioning rape, it was Stewie being inappropriate.

Sort of what gamerguy said. I thought there were making fun of the "rape jokes", and not actually making one, if that makes any sense.

I've been hearing a lot about the humor in this movie. And while I know that adventure movies like these aren't meant to be laugh out loud funny, from watching the trailers, it looks like that kind of "meh, cute" really mainstream Marvel humor. Am I wrong or right? Not that I'm expecting it to be super funny, but, you

Amazing. It's like the world is turning into a Simpsons parody. Someone got promoted for this, I'm sure.

These look like the chinese knock-off Dragonball toys that I'd find in stores as a kid.

I though it was clear that he's not criticizing a forum post in English, someone's English, or the English of someone's shirt. He's wondering why signs, products, english learning books or videogames are created, aproved and released in engrish.

Yeah, in MK8 he doesn't look so much angry as he does look like you just touched his kart at a very, very bad time and will suffer the consequences. That damn stare is so creepy.

And Waluigi sure looks unhinged sometimes:

I dunno man, in an age where people don't care a lot about saving memory and take everything for granted, it's nice to see people just trying to get the most out of what's available for a game.

It's one to thing to dislike the movie, but everything related to the movie must be ignored just because of that?

Yeah, you know. It's silly and fun if Watchdogs has giant metal spiders or Far Cry Blood Dragon has 80's tropes but don't you dare put Predators on Call of Duty.