
Feels like comic book fans are obsessed over having continuity, and would rather have all of DC's new shows be part of the movie universe. They'd rather have that than good isolated stories with, God forbid, different styles. I guess Thor is more accessible?

This kinda reminds of this little piece of game art:

That's probably bigger than a real Lynx as well! And deadlier (if you want to throw it at someone).

We all know in the internet people are either brazilian or spanish :P

...And here we go with the brazillian portuguese again. Seriously dawgs, it's not that hard to google. At least it's not a spanish word you're using, good on you, we're past Cow and Chicken levels of misinformation, but seriously, I want to see this "european portuguese are just like brazillians" thing go away soon.

"Bobo" is recognized in Portugal, but it's pretty much only used in Brazil (I feel like it's a common mistake to proclaim common brazillian words as european portuguese). Judging by the use of "Idiot" in France here, the portuguese equivalent should be "Idiota", meaning, you know, Idiot. Spanish is probably "Idiota"

To be fair, it seems like it's just a fun idea for a game born out of a prototype. One that should be charged 5$ probably due to it's short production time, for sure.

I'm pretty sure Community's creator plays DnD here and there, and I can assure you no joke in this show is meant to make fun of nerd stuff, unlike other similar shows out there.

From the inside, just your regular run-of-the-mill poop emergency. From the outside perspective though, all you see is a businessman floating in a cloud and reading the newspaper.

Now playing

You know, just yesterday I was searching google for game developer commentaries. I wish there were more of them, just like movie DVDs. Some of them have some really interesting stories about the making of said game. I know some games have that feature, and some devs also do them for youtube. It's really cool stuff

I can't even begin to imagine Vin Diesel appearing on screen and the Knuckles rap playing in the background...


My issue with RPGs tends to be more about the story and settings than really the gameplay. Are there any good RPGs out there that don't devolve into "damn, we have to save the world or else apocalypse...and crystals!" by the third act? Something with a genuinely good script and not just fancy words to describe a

Fun fact: Saints Row 2 had a carmageddon cheat. Either that or that's just added to the Gentlemen of the Row mod I had. Either way, it was just like Aliens if Ripley was a white boy pretending to be a gangster and the kamikaze Aliens exploded on contact.

Someone call Gojira.

Sure, the difference between playing the PC version of a game on minimum and maximum settings is a big one. It's supposed to be. But the gulf between the less-intensive option for The Elder Scrolls Online and the all-of-the-things alternative looks massive.

Man, I love this concept art (always did) BUT am I really the only guy getting tired of this sort of direction every single Sci-fi/action game seems to be heading?

K'n-yan reminds me a lot of Dungeon Keeper ;) I have to get back to it someday.

I take it you never saw a modded original Xbox or PSP? That's what I call modding.

Some kind of Gremlin creature rests here.