A friend of mine wondered if she’d take Mike’s last name.
There is a price, barbarian.
Interesting, to NBA players in the early 90's Magic Johnson was himself untouchable.
I just want to see future cars
“Zza-morrrr-aaa. The... crossroads... of the world. You will... find... what... you want.”
Agreed. If Drew wanted to use a Vampire that isn’t fuckable to help his argument, he could have picked one of the extras from “The Strain”.
I’ll give you the garlic but on the other points, bars are open at night and I’m bald so I don’t need a mirror to run an electric razor over my bald head. Also going back to the first point on the post about vampires being hot... I’m not at all hot and never have been so if becoming a vampire will make me a hot,…
If the vampire isn’t willing to send out the invite to brown town then I’m not interested
If you rearrange the letters in his name, it spells Mr Jello Notches. So there’s that.
‘The Wizard’
This reminds me of the two of you right now:
True story. I once asked Mrs Lizardo to pick up a half a pound of large shrimp for dinner. She went to the store, looked at what was labeled “large shrimp” and thought “those don’t look very large.” So she bought a half pound of shrimp that she felt were “large.”
“Did I ever tell you about the time Madison Bumgarner showed up at my daughter’s wedding? You know my daughter, she’s a beautiful girl. Well, Mad Bum shows up and you know he’s a big fella. Well, he’s standing right between me and my daughter at the ceremony. He’s got no right to be there, but he’s drunk and he’s Mad…
Isaiah Thomas Is Out For the Rest of the Playoffs