
Many have already withdrawn their deposits so absolutely correct.

True but those companies sought to be small volume niche manufacturers serving the wealthy. The Landscape have changed completely though. Even those companies have encountered problems with this philosophy. Hence the SUV apocalypse that is now happening with all of these super car makers.

Hated the looks of this car at first but it has certainly grown in me. Mcxlaren has to be my favorite auto maker right now.

Yeah a new roadster doesn’t exactly seem like the best move to get this company actually making profit. How many times can they go to the “just sell some more stock” route.

Man that grill is just way too small. I wish they could have made it just a tad bit bigger. Would have really improved the look of this car. I mean damn... there are many cars where you see the grill from the side....

What a difference a great dad makes. My dad couldnt be bothered to show his face for 16 years after he and my mom divorced.

Your not thinking very hard then. They are competitive but under powered, and get very expensive once you add a few options.

Damn near impossible to pull 250 pounds out of the twins. It would have to be on analll new car on a new platform.

I now have a serious interest in buying a Miata RF. Drove one and enjoyed it, but it needed more power. Now it has it.

So....you expect us to believe your a Miata enthusiast and have never heard owners, or the automotive community state they would like the car to have a bit more power......right.

So disappointing.

Pretry awesome. I wish I had the talent and the know how to pull off something like this.

cannot be unseen

Lebron built this team??? Nonsense. Please check your facts

Its also because all Kd is asked to do is score. Meanwhile lebron is asked to score, rebound assist, coach, run offense, and guard the other teams best player regardless of position, and be the economy of Cleveland.

Then you font understand competition. And how weak a move KD made to basically ruin any competitive balance in the NBA.

spolestra was excellent....?

Can’t believe i’m saying this but you are disrespecting Mario Chamlers by comparing him to Clarkson. That is how bad Clarkson has been, and that’s astounding.

there’s a thing called the offseason
