
my god The things we find reason to be offended about these days

What helped me in quitting was a good liquid multivitamin in the morning. I achieved similar levels of alertness without the gitters, and a more even feeling throughout the day.

I could see if they were filming a Tom Crusie movie, and he just had to take the hit himself for ultra realism. Otherwise this is some dumb ass shit.

That gator had swag! Knew he was the boss.

“I don’t actually think that a black female creative with a nonblack partner would even consider dampening her message for the sake of her partner’s feelings.”

Well said. After Lebron went Thanos and dragged the Cavs back from the brink down 3-1, the Warriors shit their pants. He he almost beat them the year prior with Kevin Love and Kyrie injured. With his best teammates being freaking Delly, and Mozgov.

Always so depressing when I hear this. Grow a pair. Drive what you want.

Its called “allowing teammates who are suddenly (Finally)playing well to continue to do so. Why do we have to hold LeBron to a standard higher than anyone else. Did he need to drop 60 to satisfy you?

Yeah Kevin Loves 15 points were the story of the game. Right.....

Well there’s always Netflix I guess.

i agree 100%! and don’t sit in the damn passenger seat of you Tesla trying to show off for someone. This is literally insane.

Thats still an awful lot of money for a Lot of people.

Welp there’s a shit ton of stupid spoiled brats who have money as a result of marriage, or family wealth.

This is a good take

The Carmelo debate ended after their first season in the league ( for this that know the game). LeBron was clearly a class above melo in every way.

Im just saying....

I like it actually.... Well done Bmw. It nearly fits the bill for the BMW hot hatch I have been wanting.

“ I do appreciate that the ultra high performance cars of today are not so easy to drive that any yahoo can mash the gas and look like a hero.”

Sweet Baby Jesus!