
Depend on how you define powerful. The Acura ILX has 201 hp but also a healthy 180 pounds of rourque to go with it. I would take that engine all day over the 205 /156 in the twins.

37 is amost 1/4 more power than the 200 in the brz. That’s significant. The tourqe is alslo eough to make a difference.

Um you do realise that logic is frowned upon around here.

Man I really wanted one of these coming out of highschool. Still a great looking g car, and sounds fun to drive. Could this be the bargain aternative to the quickly appreciating NSX?

I would buy the lime green one.

This here is absolutely the correct take. Nuff said. Release the Krakken!

this movie was awesome. Needs a sequel!

Head on over to YouTube and watch a few reviews of it in action.

A Lamborghini that’s practical for daily driving. Can somewhat fly by under the radar, and at a cheaper price. That doesn’t have to screen LOOK AT ME everywhere you go.

I gotta say the 2016 is a better looking car. I thought I liked the design changes but the older car looks cleaner and better.

i hate draymond...i mean really hate him. but.... there seemed to be a 7 foot guy there that tripped and shoved him. Though i wish it want the case...lets be fair here

not to reach where he really wants to be kissed....she is pretty much lined up perfectly in reality.

In a day and age where far fewer people actually go to see movies, Black Panthers numbers actually shatter those of titanic. How about an adjustment im compairison to how often people actually see movies these days? An adjustment that people have to pay more money, yet are still willing to do it? Judging by inflation

Nah Floyd carried him six rounds for the show. So they can they can rob people of their money again in the future. Could have been over in round one if Floyd so chose.

Agreed. Small cars were made so poorly, for so long that the public lost a taste for them.

#free-Kemba this dude is way to fun to watch, to be stuck on this weak ass fake franchise.

incredible that in 2018 we can even say things like “not just a hellcat” Strange times indeed.

well you can get 2 types of crabs there....which are you referring to? One is distinctly more pleasurable than the other.

get out of here with you logic and clear thinking. This is the internet sir......

But but Jordan was a better actor!! And he sold way more shoes! And his commercials.... Waaay better. Jordan was also a superior baseball player. Bulls uniforms way better than the Cavs too. No way LeBron is better no way!!