
Perhaps Jordans perceived kill or be killed mentally stems from the fact that he always had the best team. Every time he won, his team was favored to win

Even after your clarification, his lol is still appropriate. His greatness is not a recent occurance.

But your living in the time of LeBron. You can’t recognise for yourself? Don’t wait on you kids to declare it.

Mr. Ley this is the correct take! I don’t I can add anymore myself. If your a fan of sports, and you aren’t watching and appreciatung this guy, you are cheating yourself. Shame on you

I have zero problems with that styling. I don’t like that the wing looks aftermarket though. Regardless if its size, it just doesn’t look cohesive.

This guy again. Please just go away. If your mind is that messed up, you just can’t be an NBA player. We cant accommodate everyone for everything.

Yup I was out at. “First thing to do is get a liscense key from Samsung”. Say what now? Lol I’m good

He immediately follow that deep three with another seconds later. I have seen Mike, seen Kobe, seen Magic etc. Lebron is the greatest basketball talent i have ever seen. Incredibly, his offensive game seems to have another layer of polish on it this year.

Lets also remember that he agreed to do the decision because it garned 2 million dollars for the girls and boys clubs. The guy honestly didnt need to do that much maturing from that point at all. Lebron has always conducted himself with class. Lets also not forget that he is paying for 1,000 kids to go to college.

I have gotten to the point where i drink maybe one or 2 days a month socially, and never to the point of being drunk. I’m all the better for it.

its not too small, lots of people like small cars and buy them. I understand that the trend is to buy suv’s and its becoming a tough business case, but the size of the car is fine.

the crowd and bench reactions are just damn enjoyable. Especially when the opposing area is whipped into a frenzy. Insane for Lebron to be doing this in year 15.

I dont think anyone would care, if Ford wasn’t also doing shit like taking away the fiesta ST.

yup your right about that. But in many ways they still have the market misread.

I would own this car if it came stateside. Seems like they addressed all the cars weaknesses, then decided not to bring it over to see if we would buy it. Why ford.... Why. At least allow people to order the car, if you aren’t going to stock dealer lots.

Notice he said “we”.... so we know what happened here. Happy wife happy life, and all that BS.

There is no speed 3 coming. Mazda wants to be the grown up, suedo luxury, fuel economy company now.

Aside from styling, why would i want this over something cheaper like a civic Si. 30,000 seems like a lot, as a starting point for a 6.

Becaue all of that R@D has mostly been done with other Subaru Turbo engines. It not like they are having to start form scratch. The components can largely be shared form the parts bin. If they had just done it from the start, it would have been easy.

It would not significantly increase the cost at all. The cost to develop and add the turbo does not have to be passed on to the consumer. In turn the increased sales could easily generate the revenue to cover the additional investment, and then some.