
This makes me even more interested in this car. A car with too much performance is not enjoyable on the street. Too stiff, unsusable power, unfflable suspension at anything resembling street leagl speeds= not that fun.

It’s because even Jezebel has limits to its luncay, and even they couldnt just outright condone such a nonsense story.

It’s because she now see’s an opportunity to use the situation for personal gain.

“Women are (WILD GENERALIZATION COMING) often eager to please and slow to disappoint.”

I agree with most of what you said .....but since when are women that concerned with men’s feelings? Lets be real here. All I encounter is men talking about how extremely difficult women are to court these days, and even get on a date. Much less getting a finger point blow job because “i’m strong man, patriachry, my

but you drive a subrau......a company that recently admitted they don’t do a good job at quality control and has its fair share of issues.

Isiah Thomas should have had a rehab stint in the D league. How do you just drop a guy who missed almost half the season into the starting lineup after atfer a handful of games.

a ford edge sport is 40k!?? Holy shit what is going on with car prices these days, and who the hell are buying these things.

I live in a middle class neighboor hood that has some decent rides in the driveways...nothing crazy but decent. When i head to the even more afflutent part of town, i see many cars on this list in their driveway’s. Some Germans as well, but many of them 10+plus years old.

I have had a weird fondenss for the transit connect. Been dreaming of an ST version for some time.

BMW needs some retro. Their styling has been uninspired to day the least. This car is a disappointment. No I can’t afford one regardless.

Looks like all the other BMWs.... Not impressed.

Go note 8 and don’t look back.

Trust there will be plenty more action in the movie, and in that chase scene. Im glad they aren’t revealing all kinds of new footage which would actually do far more to spoil the movie.

But you can lift in a fwd car and not spin the car. Or gently oversteer without even having your foot on the gas by just entering a corner a bit hot. I do it all the time.

^This is perfect

Ford getting a FWD car to safely oversteer really wasn’t brilliant engineering . Any auotmaker can do it, they just choose not to. As you said they don’t want it as a base handling characteristic for the general public.

All depends on how the car is tuned. It’s no more dangerous in a FWD that’s tuned to do it. Trying to oversteer a corlla probably isn’t a good idea, a Fist is pretty easy.

That’s necessarily not true. All those things can be done with a well sorted FWD car. It just happens in a different way.

Remember the crazy race car driver fotage of that guy doing insane things in a 90's Civic. I wish I could remember the jalopnik post. I know that guy had no desire for rwd.