I know.
Chewing gum is low class? Okay
The “hot convict” is being untrustworthy? Color me shocked!
oh gosh dang it I was really laughing at this one last night
Get it Britney. You’re in you’re mid-30's, still up on the stage, shaking your ass. I’m a fat mom in my 30's and I’m eating a 3 Muskateers bar at my desk.
Angela Merkel, the saviour of Western democracy, voted against gay marriage? I did nazi that coming Anne Frankly, I’m offended by her vote.
Truly, with progress like this, feminism is no longer needed.
I know a lot of people around here worship all things Mariah, but it seems like everything around her is a big production and she must just be exhausting to gave to deal with, especially if you are one of the little people.
neighbour’s garden
Mine too! How many tumbleweeds have you counted so far?
Not your bullshit trolling, that’s for sure.
There’s also a REALLY nasty history of white women accusing black men of sexual assault for acts that were clearly consensual.
I saw a preview of DeMario’s interview. I think it was over the top and cheesy, from what I saw, but I mean of course it will be for TV and that demo. But I think I am on his side here. I think that its really unfortunate that it is automatically assumed that he is a perpetrator of sexual assault and I think that…
Oh, I could definitely imagine it. RDJ is, for me, one of the most beautiful looking men on the planet.
her turn as the mother in Easy A was revelatory.
Am I the only one who gets super creeped out by women who so thoroughly adopt the “mom” identity that it may as well be their name? That shit ain’t right.