
Fuck Apple, they should allow JBers to do what they want to their phones.

@AwokeKnowing: So you would say that you pay for an incomplete experience?

@ri59: So you can't bitch at Google for using the latest OS and you're behind 4 releases.

@Lanbeast: AFAIK Google Goggles cannot identify plant types, only logos and stuff... I think it'd identify "flower" or "plant" but nothing past that. I could be wrong.. I hope I am.

@ri59: 4.0 has been JB'd for a while... I'm running a 3GS on 4.0 with JB.

@ZaxxonQ.com: Or you could just download a demo.

@ZaxxonQ.com: Sales for what, games you can't use if the service goes down? I mean, you're not even buying a copy of the game, you're buying a license to use while they are still around.

People actually use OnLive?

@Dacker: Not everyone is a camera guru...

@hsoftdev17: or, you know, just an innocent typo.

How was this game allowed and the Jesus game not?

@whatne1wuddo: But, you already agreed that it should not be used anymore, as it is a thing of the past. We need to start somewhere.

@whatne1wuddo: This makes no sense. You say IR is a thing of the past but complain when your high-tech PS3 doesn't have it? How are we going to start moving away from IR if we just keep adding it to things?

@FlawedHero: 2 heavy pans (cast iron) will do the same thing.

Sounds like this would be better suited for jobs, rather than home use. Not that it's okay, just saying.