
Oh shit, go Rory! Well my interest in the show just shot up considerably because at the very least we’ll getting a higher budget Chris Harris on cars & Recombu Cars featuring Sabine Schmitz and Matt LeBlanc. I know I’m not supposed to because the internet said no but I’m kinda excited for this show.

Torch you definitely have to post more about art history. I can already see the posts now....

It’s totally okay not to like certain versions of motorcycling. It’s the “you’re doing it wrong” part that isn’t okay.

My point was that I think people get there faster and more easily if we don't tell them they're doing it wrong.

You left out the part where you used to have one and then you sold it and then you met the person who would become your wife and then you wanted another bike but your now wife says no.....)-;

Sabine is the new STIG! Boom!

There are already complaints of bias towards a particular manufacturer:

Now playing

The BBC is paying him by signed photos of James May.

The “hard way” is necessary if you want lasting results. If you go the lazy way and get the fat sucked out and your shitty habits will put you right back where you were, and the only weight you will have lost will be from your wallet. Fixing poor eating habits is the real aim, losing weight is the side-effect.

probably the chance of accidental death from elective surgeries, i’d wager.

1. Lose weight.

I hate to say this, but this may have been legally justifiable. A jury might even sympathize with someone saying they felt threatened by a bike circling their vehicle.

Great roads, and a dealership that provides an experience worth traveling a little for. Someday, car and moto dealerships will learn to treat potential buyers like friends or at least people they want to see again rather than idiots they can fleece for money.

Just imagine two enormous tesla coils.

To all those who don’t quite understand—it’s helpful to keep in mind that these are the same guys who brought you the Manigale calendar (on right).

This is amazing. As a non-rider, one of the most intimidating things about bikes is the dudebro / hardcore culture that has gravitated to them over the years, or at the very least the perception that it has (and I am not saying that’s every or even close to every biker! Of course it’s not). Seriously, un-tense your

Really he could do some marketing and ad model P, A, C & E(3) to the lineup. They’ll fit nicely in between S and X

If one of you geniuses can edit Musk’s face onto Timberlake’s for the entire duration, email me and we’ll get it on the Front Page ASAP.

Awesome looking bike, on my radar for sure.