
 YouTube and all this tech gave idiots a platform.

The only fetish I have that involves her, is taking her music and throwing it in the trash, then burning it to cleanse my trash can.

Well, a story about a game that a small niche actually plays. Congrats on reporting on the real news stories.

Used city water and a hot garbage buffet?

Add probably 30-45 hours at whatever your shop charges and voila, an extremely used wallet or credit card.

It’s Haribo or nothing for me. I don’t eat gummy shapes unless its Haribo. I’ll make an exception for Sour Patch Kids, thats it.

I’ll buy a 5lb bag of Haribo gummy bears to make up for it. And have rainbow shits for a week.

should get there address and send them all a bag of gummy dicks.

Plus it was the heaviest GT-R between the original trio.

Undercar Specialty Warehouse?

This place is more for mechanic shops than an average joe.

Well I wasnt thinking that way.

Michael were you listening to Bob and Tom this morning?

See I bought one, and had my butler buy the other. He can flip his to pay for mine. And since hes the butler, it wont hurt him.

Sell your body eh?

The parts place Im talking got bought out by a big chain but it only made their shop better. The building got a few upgrades and nothing else changed.

I was using it as an example, didnt realize it had a bunch of different starters.

I live in Ohio, so some of my hate towards Michigan is from that.

Thats true. If i see an old man working at the parts counter, ill talk to him.

Id still take mosquitos, flies, and gnats over Michigan.