
The wheels on the car are irrelevant when I buy it. Id take the 19s, then sell them. Then probably throw on 18s.

Y’all need to listen to Dave Ramsey and take the baby steps to financial wellness.

then they could exit light, enter night

Back when I first got my Fit. It had a littlr girly horn that no one could hear until I really got it to sing morse code fuck yous.

Yea, new GM has really turned itself around compared to the shit it used to make.

Its a 20 year old van. The only thing this needs to throw is a rod through the block. To end its miserable life.

Yes, pocket change indeed. Just a 1 years full salary and a 1/3 of the next.

I feel bad for you son, I got 99 air vents and the horn is one. Vent me.

I sold a sketchy car.

Just shaking his leg to finish pinching it off, No way he didn’t shit himself.

Plus the smuggling charge for going international.

Appreciate it, its my first COTD win.

Hm.. I wouldnt know. I only tried it once during HS.

Im sure 3000 grams is worth more than 30k.

It comes with 3000 Grams Troy of Very Rare 4 twenty. Thats what the 3000GT VR4 means in specific areas.

Its the original bad guys from Pokemon.

It only took 5 ish. Had to think of ricer and import car related things to make it work.

Prepare for trouble, and make it double.

Speaking from my actual car carrier experience, thats alot of weight over its rear axle.