He went on to say:
He went on to say:
And it’s Florida, where they’re all about that Stand Your Ground bullshit for gun deaths. So, Ms. Dagg should be fine in defending herself in a physical fight.
Who threw the first punch?
Dear Stacey Dash:
Absolutely. I mean, they certainly made quick work of it with that young lady from Durham, didn’t they — it’s almost like they saw something different about her ...
Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?
I’d prefer giving up my nationality before my humanity
disrespectful...to active military and veterans
Her own family even came out and said why did it take a white woman being killed for people to be so outraged.
So this is bit of side question. What about the guys standing next to the guys kneeling? What statement are they trying to make exactly?
Eclipse in three days. I’m hiding under the bed.
Antifa are completely okay about using violence against Nazis. But the evidence suggests that most, if not all, of the violence at this rally was initiated by the Nazis. They came to pepper-spray and beat people, and run them over with their cars. And that’s what they’ve done.
“Many sides” FFS. Many sides? I saw one side bring weapons and their own militia, posing as Nat’l Guard. The other side brought laypeople. You know, clergy. Meanwhile, these Nazis weaponized a muscle car and killed at least one person. GTFO of here with that false equivalency of “many sides” bullshit, Mr. Prez. I’m…
I’m past the point of expecting Trump to act Presidential.
Someone in America died today. Someone died today in Virginia in a racial terrorist attack, and our president had…
I hope it is the lack of plan that has people concerned...
“Resentment within Canada, too, is growing: Almost half of all Canadians surveyed in a Reuters poll from March want to deport people who are caught crossing the border from the U.S.”
“They teach them that there is no difference between a marriage between a man and a woman and an anti-marriage between two people of the same-sex.”