
Doesn’t sound like Clarence Thomas at all.

That's the DR business model use somebody else's infrastructure and build houses that look very much like the neighboring houses but are much cheaper.

Good for thickening soups.

I’ve got a cuppla pounds of the stuff I grabbed when a store was going out of business. The name caught my eye, and then I got it home and thought, “What the hell do I do with this?”  Makes a pleasant tea, hot or cold, with lemon grass which I grow in my front yard.



When you do, could you just drop your address into the ingredients list?  

The recipe uses 1/2 cup pumpkin puree plus about a tablespoon in the glaze. If I’m making scones, I’m not likely to be interested in pumpkin pancakes or whatever. Unlikely that I have that amount frozen in a baggie from last year. Recipes that define the creation of waste are annoying.

That’s a lot of time for someone else to be touching your body and not for one moment does it feel good.

The side effect of the vaccination has been vanishingly small. “Moderate” cases are taking people out of here because the body does not fare well when hit by a Mack Truck.

You info is being bought and sold anyway, so you might as well get a cheap cheeseburger out of the deal.  

For older people, even a relatively “mild” case of Covid can be consequential. Elderly people are at risk of falling while walking with a fever, oxygen deprivation, dehydration, and host of other illnesses that are waiting to be triggered - renal failure, hepatic inflammation, etc. We don’t need to be defined as

I watched a friend go through three hamburgers one day all because they didn’t grasp “No Ketchup” 3 times. He wasn’t interested in the free burgers they offered because he hates ketchup.  Maybe a camera would see that the prep guy couldn’t see the whole order sheet or whatever. 

Thanks for the stats. I have to explain to some condo owners why we’re having Zoom meetings instead of in-person.  

“being mean to the customers”... In New York City?

She might get an invitation to the White House but you must be vaccinated to get in there.

Your (you’re) not even trying...

Your (you’re) not even trying...

I wouldn’t want to work there, but I wish I owned the place. Impossible menu and you know that most of what’s being served is being warmed up, not cooked. That said, I don’t expect fine dining @ $15, so I order something that would be very annoying to construct at home.  

Any hot tips on opening the packet once you’ve touched your fries or burger and now your fingers are slippery? I generally wind up using my teeth, all the time wondering whose hands have touch the packet before me.

So, what’s it taste like?

Even if it’s not a letter, sometimes the realtors talk to each other. I’m sure we won the bidding on a house because the lady selling it liked my sister’s kids (we were sharing the house) and it reminded her of raising her twin boys in that home.