
I really love it too!

Wow thats not just a 10 lb baby, thats a 10 lb 13 oz babe. Thats almost an 11 lb baby.

The problem is determining if the student knew or not. If a student thought they were applying fairly, should they be punished for the work of the coach/parent? I would think not, but that’s why things like this go to committee at most universities.

Honestly, this should be treated as academic misconduct and should go under review the way that any other academic misconduct would. At most universities that involves being reviewed by a committee made up of faculty, academic staff, and students. While expulsion could be on the table, it might ultimately not be the

I feel sticky just looking at anything Glossier

I no longer partake in ranch, because I’m dairy free now. But when I did, I had a delicious THREE CHEESE ranch that I used to eat all the time.

I gotta say having been involved in the DPW- this is very on-brand for a party meet and greet. They’re like 70% olds who want the youths to have a revolution but don’t want to actually empower them to revolutionize. They get hung up on foul language and ramble on about the importance of writing letters to the

Amy Klobuchar is playing “Duck, Duck, Grey Duck” thoooo~

I have been thinking of this episode, and the episode when Yale is trying to get Serena to early accept because she’s an “It” girl. Clearly USC is getting something out of having an influencer attending their school.

Its just Goblet of Fire Harry but with a beard

This is like an episode of Gossip Girl tbh.

Lol they can transfer to my alma mater and its 94% acceptance rate.

All I can hope is that the results of technology being used in this way will convince people to throw out old food and wipe up spills lest prospective dates judge them.

I think Evers is trying, but with a republican majority in both the state senate and the assembly, he’s completely fucked.

Work ethic doesn’t have anything to do with White Privilege. So I guess he half understands it?

There are white people who exercise their white privilege with or without knowing it and I would be foolish to sit here and say, ‘Well, that has nothing to do with my career.’ I can’t sit here and say that. But also, people must be aware of the work ethic it takes. I get it. Guys like me have got a lot from being

I love that line so hard

No, don’t use the pre-shredded stuff. Buy a block of cheese and shred it yourself. Its cheaper and it doesn’t have unnecessary fillers used to keep the shreds from clumping. I don’t even eat cheese and I know this.

I feel like the people who complain about crying babies are the same assholes who aggressively recline their seat when you have a full drink on the tray table, won’t put their seat upright until the flight attendant makes them, and talks on their phone through takeoff even though they’ve been asked to shut it off like

First of all, if Jordyn is so innocent, why is she apologizing so much? I get that she lost her money train, but she’s in the industry and has other connections. I think they’re all a dumpster fire that keeps smoldering, but come on.