
Lol at Jada saying this is tearing the Smiths apart.


Thats cool, every body is different!

I’ve been Keto for 6 months and I’ve never had bad breath, smellier poop, or “keto crotch”. My pee is smellier, but I don’t mind that because then I can track ketosis without paying for a meter or use a pee stick... Also I just flush it down the toilet so who the hell cares? Literally, I’ve only ever heard of the

This series really prepared me for my parents divorce since they had a pretty diverse makeup of families.

I loved Mary Anne and Claudia. But this series definitely prepared me for my parents divorce since Ann Martin was really good at having pretty diverse family makeups.

Get me into that Shawl Vault, please.

I have a book about Women with ADHD and they talk about the different pressures women face- SPECIFICALLY that men usually get a free pass on being disorganized and “messy” like its just a charming quirk in their personality and women with the same struggles are seen as failures.

I need to see how close I am to the ground, so a window is necessary for me. One time as my plane went to land in Costa Rica, there was a coyote on the runway and we had to pull up and circle the country for an hour while they scared the thing away. Since then, since my body didn’t receive the landing it anticipated,



You can love people and support them and still hold them accountable for their actions.

Yep! After P&R she looks out of place if she’s not in a suit, and the tux is suit gone formal.

Yes, I spend way too much time looking to match names and photos.

When I got engaged I immediately got targeted ads for those companies that re-sell engagement rings.

I don’t consider Keto restrictive- I eat that way all the time and have never felt like I was missing out, or going hungry, or like I couldn’t adapt something to my diet. Obviously if you’re not balancing out your sat/unsat fats, it can be really unhealthy, but if you eat healthy fats Keto is pretty healthy.

All of this! Also, Intermittent Fasting is not good if it fucks up your relationship with food! If you’re someone who understands that food is fuel and not a reward or consequence, you could be a good candidate for IF, but if you don’t have the right mindset it is no better than disordered eating!

Agreed. I can’t find a term that I’m happy with.

Their dressers are practically disposable though. I’ve never been able to even move one to another room (let alone another home) without them falling apart.

My first CD was a Kenny G valentines day EP.