
It did already backfire for Kim. She was tied up and robbed. And they still show it off.

If I were David Harbour I would be pleased to just “be” with my girlfriend. Alison Sudol is fantastic and their dog is adorable.

I’m okay with wrinkles from smiling. I don’t know that I’d smile at paparazzi if I had them following me, but I really even welcome the wrinkles that come with smiling a lot.

Right? Reading this article as I make Galentines Cards for all the ladies in my office.

I already watched this play out on Newlyweds in the early 2000's. They end up divorced.

But that’s literally what he said, so I’m taking him at his word. If he means other things he has no business giving interview about it.

I can’t read anything that the Gossip Girl Narrator says without hearing it in Kristen Bell’s voice.

I would agree with you if Neeson was talking about finding THE rapist. But he was talking about killing a random dude based on the race of the person that raped his friend. That’s not natural.

Sure, admit it to a therapist. Not in an interview.

Neeson wasn’t looking for the rapist, though. He was just looking for any black guy

This was my experience with that very same superbowl

Another mediocre white dude getting way more attention than he should.

I have a skirt with build-in shorts- that is the kind of skort I like. I love it. I want to wear it all the time, but it was just -50 so I’ll have to save it for warmer days.

I went to NYC a month after knee surgery and it was pure hell managing all those stairs (especially with asshole friends who didn’t realize they needed to slow the fuck down for me).

Sure, but Mazzy Star and 4 Non-Blondes don’t get the same amount of recognition as Ed Sheeran.

I mean, I learned how to change a tire from watching The OC....

Yeah this was my first thought.

Know the policy though. I was really sick on NYE so I called in, but then I didn’t get my paid holiday on New Years Day because there’s a policy that you don’t get holiday pay if you don’t work the day before. No one told me that would happen. :(

Was this written by someone who likes ice fishing? Because pretty much the only people who like winter like ice fishing. Source: I live in Minnesota.

Welcome, sisters, to the Brotherhood. (Anyone else find it weird when people call you sister/brother at union things? Also can we stop gendering this?)