
Cancel the Eastern Conference.

What's it like being a pedantic asshole?

End Yelp.

You’re missing my point, I think. Tesla is now taking the standard production deposit for cars that don’t even have a production date. I understand that this $2500 deposit is nothing new, but the difference is that they are allowing so many people to place order deposits that it creates what is essentially a priority

“I don’t swear for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. We’ve got to use all the words we’ve got. Besides, there are damn few words anybody understands.” — Henry Drummond, Inherit the Wind

Not a Tesla hater. I just buy a lot of cars and know a rat when I smell one. And let's not pretend that Tesla has operated their company in an honest and forthright manner, so I remain highly skeptical of them.

Actually, yes, you do. You don’t give them the deposit until you have an allocation and production week. From there, its easy to ballpark a delivery date. Does Tesla have 500,000 allocations ready to go? With production dates?

The problem here is that they have half a million pre orders and not nearly the capacity to deliver these orders in the traditional window for ordering a car. So instead of this being their weird $2500 production fee, it just becomes another interest-free loan to Tesla in order secure a priority spot in the queue. Give

Looks like I might not have to abandon BMW after all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Really going to bat for Tesla here, huh? Again, they are running out of cash and yet somehow magically just greenlit half a million orders? Even an avowed fanboi such as yourself should be able to see this for what it really is...

So all of a sudden half a million pre orders were called up for production? Bullshit. This is a cash grab.

$1k. Refundable. Including M cars.

A”good sized deposit?” I’ve never been asked to put down more than a $1k refundable deposit on a built-to-order BMW, including six figure M cars — at any of the numerous dealerships that I’ve used around North America.

The BMW individual program is not a good comparison to the standard Tesla production line.

There is beauty in the fact that the most disliked teammate on the Belgian squad scored the winner.

$1M actually seems relatively reasonable for this car.

Kennedy hasn't done shit this term anyway. Any Trump replacement would have voted the same was as he did. Fuck this country.

End football.

I still find Loeb’s 208 T16 record more impressive.
