
Particularly because it’s nearly 198 inches long.

He’s getting crushed because he posted about it a dozen times. Nevermind his shitty self-important attitude...

Careful, you’re projecting.

Your mental welfare hinges on whether or not a video games presentation can meet your required high levels of stimulation. Neat.

Thanks for your shitty live blog. Please seek help.

You’re insane.

It’s crazy how far ahead of everyone else Sony is with their exclusives.

The fatal flaw in your theory is that he would have to live in Boston. No one wants to live in Boston.

Congratulations on your meaningless achievement.

Can’t wait for THE DECISION PART 2. I even have my barf bag ready.

Congrats on being the 7 millionth person to make this joke this season — you’ve reached silver-tier shitposter status!

So much this.

Listen, I just like burning things, ok?

This. Or at least I hope. Because I don’t want to live in world where the ICE is dead. And I certainly don’t want to drive in a world where I’m not engulfed in the visceral sensory experience of of the ICE.

Why would you do this to me...😾

Bottom tier shit posting. Take a break, lad.

Eh, who cares, let them have a little fun. It’s also the least expensive McLaren that money can buy in the US. Points for thriftiness.

You are like a bad commenter, only worse.

Congratulations on your autism.