@bonfire986: You sound...delicious.
@bonfire986: You sound...delicious.
@Just_another_number_and_clever...: Same here.
@PennyArcadia: Fortunately sometimes conspiracy theorists are right.
@PennyArcadia: Okay. Not sure why it makes you angry. I mean, it's not like you have lots of money invested in producing the stuff (i assume).
I'm no expert, but fluoridated water could possible have something to do with this FSD phenomenon. Flouride is the main ingredient in Prozac and Prozac is "Associated with orgasmic disorders, loss of sexual desire and arousal in women."
Electromagnetic pulses from an angry sun.
@corpore-metal: It was a joke. Although Tesla (who's work it's based on) is reported to have destroyed an invention he thought too powerful because it shook a large area similar to the effects of an earthquake (harmonics).
@corpore-metal: Well then, if I can't defeat you with logic, I will confuse you with paranoia:
@HelenLovejoy(née_maude_flanders): I think this falls under the heading of a 'heinous offense.' Thus extra harsh treatment. Probably a small town (with more churches than bars).
@zark169: It's not flawed, just scary as hell.
@d0minick: We used less because the price tripled.
@V: It's so much worse than you want to hear.
@Dexomega: Also prices skyrocketed, thus we used less.
@EdgarJPublius: It's increased steadily over the past 100 years. It's partially caused by natural shifts which have happened since the beginning of time, but it's been exacerbated by huanity's constant attempt to conquer physical earth, drilling, leaching, damming, etc.
@madgetheripper: It does sort of gloss over the cheap plasticity of professional gold diggery.
@doit2julia: Young lady, come sit on Granpa's lap. I've got a bone to pick with you...
@tlong1122: AAAyyyy! *jukebox bump* *finger snap* I approve.
@AllieCaulfield: Oily it burned. Hef's butt sex, inch by inch...
@polypam: We were the last pre-internet generation. The last to develop skills for getting things done without a computer or cell phone. Remember when you used to REMEMBER phone numbers? Everybody had at least five phone numbers memorized by third grade, six if you count 911. And libraries! The only place to go…