
Shots fired, Stanhope!

I was mildly entertained by the first movie (assisted by low expectations), somewhat more entertained by the excellent Smaug effects and improved action of the second movie, and wholeheartedly hated Battle of the Five Armies. Seriously, over 9 hours Jackson couldn't be bothered to flesh out any of the dwarves, but

'This just in, most men are immature idiots.'

Being angry with someone for not sleeping with you is always douchebaggery, and acting entitled to sex-for-friendship is douchebaggery.

Has anyone betrayed their original creative spark more than Peter Jackson? He went from mounting incredible low-budget extravaganzas of practical special effects, to CGI Billy Connolly. Dear god, the last 'Hobbit' film was like watching someone play a video game. Not a good video game, for that matter.

The term is irreverent and gross when used with a sense of entitlement/grievance, but it is a funny term and fairly succinct at summing up a specific relationship situation. I get that there's a lot of resentful rejectees on OKCupid who rail against being friendzoned, but there are also a lot of people who have found

I would say that Shannon has always known how to make his intensity hilarious— I'm sure there's a supercut of his 'Boardwalk Empire' appearances somewhere that would make my case for me.


Clay Davis was a corrupt state senator with a gift for expletive. He's like fucking Ghandi compared to the Boltons. Their mascot is a man flayed alive. How 'bout a little perspective, brohim??

You really walked into that face-fuck, serawe

His last name is Payne, right? Isn't Illin' Payne the scary knight with the excised tongue who beheaded Ned Stark? And what happened to him?

Men and women can absolutely be friends, and I have plenty of valued friendships with women (yes, don't let my Marvel Comics avatar fool you, I'm a straight dude!). That being said, you are suffering from some serious white-knight-itis if you're going to pretend that most hetero males don't want to sleep with most if

'Tis true. Lena Headey is really doing her best to fill the howling void of simmering contempt that was created when Charles Dance departed!

I understand people's problem with the term, but the 'bro-ness' of it actually just makes the nickname Lord Friendzone even funnier to me, if I'm to be honest. Plus, 'Friendzoned' actually is a fairly apt description of Jorah's principal personality trait.

Just so you know, I'm reversing time to post this joke first, because it made me choke on my rooiboos tea and I simply must have an alternate timeline in which Kang, not you, is its author. Well done.

Honestly, I like that they're switching up show runners. Daredevil was terrific for the full first half, but by the final quarter of the season, there was a lot of flab and juvenile writing (I'm looking at you, Ben Urich's journalistic ethics and Fisk's cartoony press conference!)

Yes, young Kang used to bliss out to Flood and Lincoln on his yellow Sony Walkman while mowing lawns in the summer, idly wondering if TMBG would every resign themselves to becoming a 'real' rock band.

I wouldn't mind a movie about David Mitchell just walking around, tasering people.

Bill Paxton doesn't have charisma?
So you haven't seen 'Near Dark'? 'Weird Science'? 'Aliens'? 'Edge of Tomorrow'?

See, I used to avoid the live episodes because I thought they would suffer from too many visual jokes and distractions from the audience.