Paris Hilton Has A GED

“Both times I was very happy for him” my understanding internet shaman friend <3


woah. woah. woah. so glad i read it. but woah. how did you not proceed to MURDER HIM??

HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. OMG. Are you me? Are we both just me?

She is dying inside bro.

I literally weigh 138 and am dying to lose 10-15 pounds, so suck my fat clit! :*

I, too, would like us to have our own bathrooms. But I don’t want equal. I want ours to be much, much nicer. Is that in the budget?


That would be such a great Kinja username

Born in Bellevue but moved to Orlando when I was 6. I always wonder what my home state weirdness is like, you guys I’m ready for it.... I just wanna come home!

If you’re 34, why do you sound like you’re 60 talking about younger generations?

And your generation is the one that toppled our economy and raised your kids to be as self-entitled as you are? It confuses me when people complain about the state of another generation and cultural atmosphere that their own generation took part in creating and will take no responsibility for. Malala Yousafzai is


that is so amazing.

oh my collective gods.

Does circumcision cause pain during sex in order to make it non-pleasurable for the man who is forced to marry and and have sex with a woman who basically owns him? Because THAT’S the America I want to live in, bud.

If you lack empathy for someone who goes through the conditions these women had to suffer, and then posts a comment saying we should all stay out of their ~*~lives*~~* then maybe you SHOULD experience such conditions so you can FIGURE IT THE FUCK OUT.

aw man I just typed something similar.

You are saying we shouldn’t get involved in human rights issues across the globe? We should have just let the holocaust happen? Even though you have a bed to sleep in and a toilet to shit in and tampons to shove up yourself? Honestly, you sound like you went to a Christian University. And also go fuck yourself,