
The entire sequence of events seems odd, but “faked robbery and faked mental breakdown in preparation for divorce” sounds like fake moon landings level daftness.

Because you’re an asshole.

Did the video just say nucular?


He’s not a mermaid, Bobby! C’mon!

Kinda think it’s shitty how people are so negative about the KUWTK resuming filming after ~only 3 weeks.~ Because of course there is never a good way to be a victim and if she doesn’t hole up and hide away forever, fuck her that attention-seeking whore. And whatever you may think about the Kardashians, these kinds of

I think if you look at the comment right above you, the belly shirt itself is not the problem. It is the body curves and positioning that suggest 25 year old woman, not 15 year old girl. I don’t know how to put this exactly, but most women are at least low level traumatized by times when they were treated like

So you’re still dying on this hill I see.

It’s interesting to me how so many posters rightly get upset at assault victims not being believed with their allegations in a majority of pieces here.

It took me a moment but when I got it:

Rant: I never thought I would say this considering its Kim K, but I don’t think this was faked for “attention whoring”. Say what you will about her but my gut tells me this isn’t the kind of shit she’d lie about fur attention. Robberies DO happen, and when you consider someone of her wealth this is a reality that has

God damn it commenters! What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Having been through a very similar experience, I can only wish her peace and all the support of the people closest to her who are hopefully taking her to a therapist to start working it out immediately. Sometimes the conversation is best had with people who are experienced in treating this kind of trauma rather than

After reading the comments all I have to say is that people who think this is funny disgust me. It is irrelevant if the person is a reality tv star, it is irrelevant how much her ring is worth. Being bound, gaged, and at the complete mercy of your attackers is not an experience anyone should have to go through. So she

It was all fun and games until you included that scorpion.

GAHHHHHHHHHH GIANT SCORPIONS *crawls into fetal position*

lol at the baby dino’s face being pixelated.

When the time comes, if the phrase “Cat Dude is Serious” isn’t at least part of the headline for the io9 Black Panther review you all will have failed as journalists

Wait, you said GIF with a soft g.

Season 2 was a thing of beauty.