
welp, my first date with thetallbrunette seems so unromantic and mundane now. THANKS, OBAMA!

It wasn’t that complicated. Zemo wanted the Avengers to destroy themselves, so he spent years coming through the SHIELD data that Black Widow dumped to find anything useful. He learned that Bucky murdered the Starks and knew that if that info could be proven, it would destroy them.

Were they marketing exclusively to Christians? I'm usually pretty on the up and up about new movies and didn't even hear a whisper about this one.

People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually


I was just coming to say this, or at least in part. She didn’t feel like a monster because she’d been sterilized; she felt like a monster because she let the Red Room sterilize her so she’d be a more efficient killer. The murdering people part always gets left out when people criticize Age of Ultron.

I hate to admit I am slightly bummed out by this.

So can we all agree that he must be a Brony, based on the fact that he has that pony’s quotes so readily available?

YES! Girl, we all know you write songs about your exes and can easily connect the dots, and it didn’t even take the internet a DAY to figure out Bad Blood was about Katy Perry. I like some of Taylor’s music but her complete lack of self-awareness in matters like this bugs the FUCK outta me. I mean... if she did in

But she played the victim to Kanye’s mean, “unhinged”, misogynistic Black man, though. The media and certain segments of the public eat that shit up, is it any wonder Ms. Swift has held on to that status for nearly 10 years.

Kim is defending a loved one from character assassination. If it was just a feud about him and a colleague, it would be one thing. But Taylor has lied about him consistently to the public. That is obviously another matter entirely.

Also the victimhood angle is pretty silly given the fact she got rich putting out diss tracks about anyone and everyone who crossed her path, made no effort to hide who she was targeting and (I assume) never bothered to ask permission or give warnings. I like Tay but girlfriend, you got played at your own game here.

She’s famous because she’s a savvy businesswoman...


i feel SO vindicated for saying i believed kim when the GQ article came out lololol

Kim isn’t stupid. She introduced these recordings in her GQ cover one month ago. Since then, gossip items suggest Taylor’s team has worked to keep them private via cease-and-desist letters. That means Kim’s legal team has been involved in the matter.

I love this a little too much.

“I never talk shit about anyone, like, publicly, like, especially in interviews, but I was just like, I’ve so had it”

When she talked about the bourbon toast to Spartacus, and all that it meant, I cried and cried.

Oh God, the “everything happens for a reason” defense. Yes, Bristol, but the reason may be that you’re dim and make bad choices.