
Mind the Gap!

@-Beefmalone: I'm with you. *Nobody* can be that stupid.

Well, it is beef. That's the major ingredient, that's why it's listed first. The "isolated oat product" is filler. So they don't have to use so much of that expensive beef.

Ya know, real lampshades have (big) holes in the top to let the heat out...and they don't smell like old cardboard

Awesome! Norm's responsible for teaching me most of what I know about how a home works. He's saved me thousands in electrician and plumber fees, I suspect. If my cabinet-making skills ever approach a tenth of his, I'll die a happy man.

@best3175: Jusdging from the last photo, he didn't get one.

@Buzz Mega: I know what you're thinking: "is that a human or a bear Taser?" Well, to tell you the truth, I can't remember myself. And they look identical. So it all comes down to whether or not you feel lucky today.

@izzi303: How would *you* feel? Pets have self-images, too, you know. It might take some of the pain and shame away for Rover, if he knows he's the only one in the neighborhood with a set of *titanium* Neuticles.

@drilon: Actually, it is 0:48 for the slo-mo "good"-ness.

@BeerManMike: DealExtreme.com or ExtremeGlow.com or GlowProducts.com

@Captain Fish: 1% of the list price of every pair of Ralph Lauren jeans sold.

@ferners: A flunky with a rag and a bottle of Windex is stationed (out of sight) near each car to wipe up each drip as it lands.

That sucks. Love him or hate him, he's accomplished a lot at Apple. Best wishes to Steve and his family.

@jpaugh: Get close, center the dog in the viewfinder, push the button half way down to lock focus and exposure, then re-frame and push the rest of the way down. Note that this method locks both focus and exposure, so it's not ideal, but if all you have is auto mode, it's all you can do.

@rick23: yeah, but this was even before that.

@iRyan: Go. You will not regret it.