
"...detectives worked eight hours overtime..."

Saw one of these on the Vineyard last summer. Except it was a regular fiberglass fishing boat. The guy drove it into the parking lot, down the ramp and into the water, then retracted the three wheels. Damndest thing I ever saw. It was slow, though, so he must have lived just up the road.

@SewerShark: Completely agree. We seem to have forgotten that there is another solution: life-proof your children!

@Darksider1972: Better yet...that video was shot at Bletchley Park, and if I'm not mistaken, that's the Colossus rebuild visible through the window in the background!

Or, if you run the motor the other way, a jet-powered dog!

@The5thElephant: No argument, but the facts remain: two viable bombs on planes, two times passengers and crew intervened, two planes landed safely.

@reuthermonkey: I'm not saying the perv aspect should be ignored. If that's what gets people enraged about these scanners, great!

I don't really care that much about some TSA w*nker seeing me "naked".

The nice thing about Opt Out Day, is that it will get the *politicians'* attention. And Napolitano is a political appointee.

When baby grows up, can be used to keep your leftover pizza warm until lunchtime.

Opt out on Nov 24th:

@hjustin93: And why should we just *give* you a high speed camera? You'd probably just take it apart and then not be able to put it back together again...wouldn't you?

@MJDeviant: I blame the small font on my screen and will deny any snickering occurred.

@Piemonkey: It's renting the high speed camera that costs the $

@topsully: In a normal world, I'd agree with you. But TSA interacts with the public in a stressful environment and has (I think we will all agree), at best, a pretty bad public image already.

If we could be serious for just a minute here...why hasn't someone lost their job over this?

@tickopa: None yet, but there's still hope: I see they haven't installed the nets yet!