
Why does Excel automatically format numbers that start with zero that way?????

Right? I have a hunch Jared has already suggested using Excel! Joke is on them when they try to enter a number that starts with a zero! Those Boston zip codes are going to fuck this administration!

As far as the citizen’s database goes, we should be thankful that the only skill the current administration has exhibited is the ability to break shit. 

Shut up, Meg...

A few hundred thousand protestors, outdoors, mostly with masks.

It's like the Republican party became a a bunch of parrots that just mimic each other.

You would need a fucking king comforter to cover all those chins... and he’s just going to take it off and expose himself anyway.  I’m surprised anyone went through the effort in the first place.

Or showing any sympathy/empathy for the infected and dead due to the virus. Boy, the press would have a field day!

Maybe they were hoping he’s just catch the COVID and end this national nightmare

It’s pretty obvious man babies see these masks as submission and not wearing one as proof their the alpha. Which is hillarious since it’s half about protecting yourself.

In other “fuck everything, but especially the asshole in charge” news, Trump says U.S. won’t shut down for second wave.

There was no chance Ford would have the nads to say “Fuck off, plague bearer”. 

Nobody is wearing these fucking things as a fashion statement. We are doing it on recommendation of the experts we have trained and paid to make them.

“I tested very positively. In another sense... I tested positively towards negative. I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning, I tested negative.”

I wish your mother’s pregnancy test had.

I think he’s worried that the sweating under a mask might make the orange crap he smears on his face run.

If he did wear a mask before being photographed without one, we could tell from smeared Bronx Colors bronzer.

I...just...there’s no words to describe what an absolute shit-stain Trump is.

The Attorney General even threatened that his actions could result in the plant being closed for cleaning due to it, I’m waiting to see if she will pull the trigger on that since it is political ammunition.