
Come to Canada, have lots!

Well that's just silly. If you add bacon to poutine, it's poutine with bacon or bacon poutine. "Disco fries"... silly Americans.

You don't know what poutine is? I'm not even going to give strikes, that is just massive shame on you.

None of those really seem to be that emotion, can't actually really remember which one, that feels like a tight ball in your gut reaching up into your throat.

I, uh, I remember not hating the Dalek Asylum... though that was mostly because of Jenna. Umm, Angels Take Manhattan had about a minute of really good episode crammed into all the face-palming. The Snowmen was decent, The Bells of St. John was pretty good I think, Cold War was pretty decent, Journey to the Centre of

600 years stated on screen (started at a little more than 900, the ages of Nine and Ten), last stated age was 1200-and-something, stated he'd aged 300 years on Trenzalore, then aged an unknown amount more (one would think more than 300 years given the physical change, but that is without evidence on screen).

I think it was an experiment, to change the way the show was written and structured. And it started off pretty strong—the fifth series was quite good—but it began to buckle under its own weight as time went on. I wouldn't say the experiment was a failure, but I do think it taught a lot of important lessons, the most

I think you've made a lot of good points here, and have left me with a much more positive view of Matt Smith's run than when I had initially read the article. I think one of the most important things here, is the question and issue being posed by the article requires us to look back and reflect on Matt Smith's run...

I only just learned maternity leave isn't a paid leave, but rather just unpaid time that you can take off if you want and your employer can't fire you for it.

Y'know, if you posted this same article over at a certain "men's rights" section of Reddit, you'd be called an anti-feminist sexist, and probably a rape-apologist just for good measure. Amazing how much setting can change interpretation, almost as if some people far too quickly judge a book by its cover (or really,

[This is in response to "They are given by the child's doctor. Who is not in the pay of the government", at least initially.]

We definitely need to start calling them "the Naizis".

But... but... if they didn't go there and his tomb wasn't there, then Clara never could have jumped into his timestream, she never would have been there in the Dalek Asylum or Victorian England, he would never have gone looking for his impossible girl, and she would never have become his companion, and, and, and, The

I don't know, Gillan was a lot of fun in NTSF:SD:SUV:: this season.

But... it says it was posted yesterday! Do you still get paid for this? In any case, do appreciate the reply... don't appreciate not knowing what to do with my, umm, files and folders.

So... you cover that stuff about the "Live Tiles" and SkyDrive and how everything will be visible, and... that's about it. I don't know what any of that means because I've just started using Windows 8, but it sounds pretty bad. Your only advice is to " just keep that stuff in your browser"... which is swell, but how

Why is this article, posted 12/20/10 (honestly io9, what kind of future do you come from where you still use the very-difficult-to-decode-without-context mm/dd/yy style of writing dates), the fourth top story on io9's front page at 3am (EST) 26 December 2013?

Pretty much every companion takes a few episodes to settling into being a companion, so if we erase those first few, did Donna change that much between The Fires of Pompeii or Planet of the Ood and Midnight? Not really. Throw in the final episodes of that series (which were kind of ridiculously terrible, let's not

I can't help but wonder, given what article this is a comment on and what you said: are you aware that David Tennant was the runner-up to Mikkelsen for that role?

How has everyone in this thread forgotten a little, completely unrelated show called 'Sherlock' that's back (after two friggin' years) in a week (less than, now)?