
Simple, reasonable explanation I just made up on the spot: when The Doctor first aged 300 years, he spent it zipping around in the TARDIS, going on adventures, doing his thing; but this time, he spent those first 300 years without the TARDIS at all, then however many more years it was that he aged, he also never used

Donna was a lot of fun, and met with a sad ending, but was she particularly complex, was she really given much of an arc? No. Almost her entire character boiled down to "not a sexy young girl with a bit of naivety who's probably in love with The Doctor like all the others" and when you character is little more than

Overall I will generally agree with the article: there was good and bad, and it was very fitting. However, there are two massive errors or omissions in the article that simply must be mentioned of corrected:

I would hope that anyone who wears prescriptionless glasses knows they are a hipster.

I guess the determining factor would be: do you do that to be ironic? And do you understand how that would or wouldn't be ironic? I think if you answered yes and no, respectively, you might be a hipster.

Doesn't this render all naval ships obsolete? If it can beat an aircraft carrier, surely it can beat any other ship. But these are launched by aircraft, so in order to launch them, you need to be close to somewhere aircraft can come from: a land base or a carrier. If we've eliminated carriers and the rest of the

Whoa. Now, I'm not a hipster (I don't think... I don't wear glasses or tight jeans, I do like a suit or waistcoat when I can get away with it... but does that make me a hipster?), but you cannot blame this on hipsters.

I like proper use of language too, and I'll even agree that sometimes that can be critical to its meaning... but a lot of the time it's not.

Almost as bad as that time they cast that chick whose only major role was the wife in those two scenes of 300!

You forgot about how the first half of the movie is very heavily about the danger of these (well, not those) aliens, and aside from Cruise, there are only two or three other actors you've seen... but you already saw Morgan Freeman a lot in the trailer, in a junky environment, talking about aliens or something, so...

Admittedly, the way the plot is described in the article is what happens, that's not at all how I interpreted it. I figured the suit just kept him alive so he was incapable of death and had to go out and fight every single day, in the vein of that 50th anniversary Doctor Who minisode, the second episode (I believe)

Yeah, but what kind of life?

I've seen coyotes (or coy-wolfs, let's not forget that's a thing that's happening) in my conurbation 4 or 5 times in the past year. At first it was shocking and scary and amazing, but now I've gotten kind of bored of it. Last time I saw one, I was driving up the road and there was a car was just stopped on the

Do LED manufacturers in your location not sell warm-white (yellow-ish) and cold-white (blue-ish) lights separately and clearly labelled?!

No, in that post I was just fucking around, I was just trying to put words to the stupid people who refuse anything other than David Tennant produced by RTD.

Gene Roddenberry, obviously, then Rick Berman after his death. I'm going to say Ira Steven Behr for DS9, though I'm not sure he started in that role or not. Berman and Braga for Voyager, though maybe not initially (maybe Jeri Taylor with Berman?). Berman and Braga, definitely, for Enterprise, until the final season

RTD was afforded that because he came in, like 20 years after the old Doctor Who, so no one remembered that. And old Doctor Who was, like, 20 years ago, so no one remembers that so who knows what they did. But Moffat... how dare he?! Who does he think he is, one of these other showrunners!? No, he killed David

As has already been pointed out, these episodes form a continuing arc and plot, why wouldn't they have linked names?

I'm fairly confident that every guy a girl knows is madly in love with her.

Remember when Buffy and Angel got together? I don't recall that ever being a triangle. Sure, there were other entanglements (Angel was previously with Darla, Xander had a crush on Buffy, Buffy dated another guy when Angel was kinda dead, Angel turned evil for a bit), but anyone has entanglements, there was never a