
Hmm... that probably would be the problem...I do recall that being a way of stave off some new change a while back (for what ended up being about a day)... but do I want to force it to change? I'm not sure, I do like being able to call out Facebook for not updating me months after my friends. And I do like being


Considering this is original series Star Trek, where the trope is that every episode ending with Kirk punching the bad guy into defeat and then defeating the girl, I loved that the movie ended with Kirk and dead and Spock beating up the bad guy. The reversal was amusing and entertaining. That said, the whole time I

Considering this is original series Star Trek, where the trope is that every episode ending with Kirk punching the bad guy into defeat and then defeating the girl, I loved that the movie ended with Kirk and dead and Spock beating up the bad guy. The reversal was amusing and entertaining. That said, the whole time I

Could we just cut the entire final third of the movie? Right from when Kirk went into the warp core (and the stuff with original Spock), just cut it off, film Simon Pegg in front of a green screen (super cheap, y'know), just have him say "I fixed the warp core, we're all good, and Khan got away... umm, far away, Q

Right, but... Graph Search still isn't out, right? I mean, I've been on the waiting list since, uhh... the spring? Last fall? Last spring? Whenever they started rolling it out to beta testers (actually, not right then, it was months later, but that was still many months ago), and I still don't have it. Hell, I'm

This is pretty important. Facebook had a hilarious little feature where they like to change things to "Public" without telling you, and then forcing you to not only change it yourself, but to realize it at all. They're kinda dicks like that. They also like to move your privacy controls in and out of the privacy

No one was on the internet in 2006, it was just me and a few friends, and we talked to each other by posting messages on each other's wall. That was a private conversation, between two people, only readable by a few other people, all of whom were in the same social group; what does it matter if it's a bit

Whoa, that's so weird... I just assumed rights to show it on TV automatically meant rights to show it on the internet. I'm always jealous of you guys because you get (if I'm not mistaken), every episode of The Daily Show and Colbert ever, whereas up here in Canada they only stay up for a month before they're gone for

TNG and Buffy are hard to get people into with only one episode if you're starting from the first episodes. Luckily, you can get away with showing them an episode from season 4 and it wouldn't spoil much, unlike Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones ("hey, so, uh, where's Sean Bean, I know he's the main character from the

I really, really like this post.

"Essentially defriending" and actually defriending are two different things.

You people are crazy. There are only two kinds of knives: bread knives and other knives. Also regular utensil knives which are also used as butter knives, but since you use those "at the table" (or "at the kitchen counter before you take your dish to your bed"), they don't count.

Not going to lie, I'm disappointed it's not that cool room at the end where Cillian Murphy's dad is in his dream. At least I think it was cool, I don't really remember, I tried Googling "inception room at end cillian and dad", but... that didn't really result in much.

Yeah, but my wooden bed isn't going to drop six feet if it decides to break. I don't doubt that it's sturdily made (or at least I certainly hope so), but there's just something about the visuals of it, it just does not look safe at all.

So... I'm kind of worried that Under the Skin might end up being one of my favourite movies ever. It just looks like such a Kubrickesque film. I want to see it. I need to see it. And I think I need to love it.

Excuse me for being ignorant of your American ways, but is having an episode on a channel's website the next day a new thing? I was under the impression that was pretty standard.

Yes, you are definitely getting your hopes up. Nothing cool from the Transformers of our youths will be in these Transformers movies. Nothing.

There's also a lot of bad, cheapness, and stupidity in it (I'm Canadian, I'm allowed to say that about one of the few shows that's ours). But let's take a moment to talk about the future vision and political themes. Where was that show going when it started, where is it going right now, and where will it end up? As

By Transformers 3, the scores had gone into negatives out of ten.