
Umm, yeah, there is no way I could ever feel safe on that thing. It certainly looks cool, and I love the idea of it being right inside of a window, but... I do not trust gravity enough not to fuck me for mocking it with a bed like that.

I heard fair-net.

That guy's Jesse voice is spot on!

I, uh, and no offense Lauren, but I kinda thought everyone who knew Lost knew that Jack was supposed to die and be played by Michael Keaton. I didn't know specifically that Keaton had essentially accepted and then pulled out because he wasn't supposed to die. But... yeah, Jack dies in the pilot, Jack is Michael

I have virtually no idea what I'm talking about, but:

In answer to the question on all of your minds, no, the Toronto Cocktail does not come from Doug Ford, city councillor and brother of the Rob Ford...

So, like the word "fair" followed by the name "Nate"?

I don't know... isn't the bigger concern of losing you iPhone the fact that you've just lost a $600-900 device, all the data and photos and everything on it, and that the person who has it is going to sell it off and you'll never see it again; rather than the fear that people will steal it in order to make illicit

Luckily, my phone is not a phone but an iPod, so this one I think I'm already safe for.

That's not really a price, that's a promotional deal with a very limited number of third-party companies. The actual price is $549/$649 for 16GB/32GB. ...Yeah, I probably could have done that research on my own in the first place, but my question was less to do with me being lazy and much more to do with the fact

How much was one breaking and the other not due to superior/inferior quality, and how much was just do to the random chance in how each fell? Kinda feel like those tests weren't particularly scientific...

So... can we get a price yet?

Oh no, they totally are, for me. Not for this station, though. The Beatles, and really all prog/art/space/psychadelic rock is considered too old, or what old fogeys listen to, or something, because it definitely doesn't get any airplay. The Finger Eleven crowd just doesn't like that kind of music. They want a

I don't know what that link was for or relating to... but thank you, I've been planning to build my own PC recently and this could be very helpful!

Yeah, probably, I'm usually really behind on my updates (I've updated something like 30 apps as part of the swap over to iOS 7). I did see an update from the past, oh, I guess 24 hour sometime that did seem to deal with the top-bar area, and in the notification centre the icon had the black background, and I was

I like some synth-pop.

Maybe once every two hours?

Fair enough, but saying that that's how Vine looked under iOS 6 is a bit disingenuous when it hasn't looked like that for months, and considering how new an app it is, is it really fair to say they updated it for iOS 7 instead of just updating it as they developed a look and feel for their app?

That is my rage.

I saw someone with 30 hours... this is a problem for me. In addition to just the general anxiety and despair of not having my device on me that feels like part of my body is missing, I need my music at work. I have to listen to nearly 8 hours of the same radio station every day. I actually thoroughly enjoy the