
I want to say that was the point, but I didn't write the thing.

Google Chrome just changed the background colour of their app's logo from, umm, black, I think, to an off-white. Throws me off every time I see it. And it's not like the Chrome logo is just a letter, or that it's changed, the icon is even on the dash thing so it's not like it's showing up out of nowhere on me. But

I'm still on iOS 6 and Shazam already has the iOS 7 logo (as you can see is the same in the top right of both screen shots.

Pretty similar in Canada, iPhones are extremely expensive month-to-month (at least a few carriers have iPhone-specific plans, which aren't too different from their other plans... other than they cost more), and the discount for going on a contract isn't particularly large (it's still hundreds of dollars down). Still

So that's universal. Doesn't matter what provider I go to, they all offer the same price with a two-year contract (it should be noted that the table did not specify the contract length, so an additional question would be whether two-year contracts are the only option available)?

For example, the HTC One is $99 with

I was going to say the same thing... Kind of really hoping that isn't true.

I get why manufacturers/mobile providers quote the lower prices, I don't appreciate Gizmodo doing it (since it tells us little—as I said, unless every provider, everywhere is offering the same price, it's not worth much more than saying "it's gonna cost you different amounts at different places for different things");

Hello, yes, where I buy phones, the HTC One costs $318 with a two-year contract of a specific monthly cost (your chart does not list a contract length or cost, I assume I can get it anywhere for $100 with a one dollar contract costing me $1/day); therefore I think your table is conclusively, and undoubtedly incorrect.

Yeah... but colours!

I don't actually know how things work in America. Maybe only one mobile provider is carrying this product, or maybe all the mobile providers who are carrying it have agreed to the exact same priceplan (does that actually happen?); but unless every provider, in the world, is offering it for the same price, I feel like

Do you really have a reasonable expectation of privacy when you are out in public?

I honestly did not know that "creepshots" were this whole thing, and I'm usually pretty well aware of the terrible thing going on in the back corners of the internet. That being said, hidden spy cameras are not exactly a new thing.

I was never really particularly excited about this, nor did I really feel any need for a RoboCop remake... but you know what? This actually looks pretty potentially good, this has been the first thing that has made me want a RoboCop remake. Well done, I guess.

Although how refusing to let people marry — even fictional characters — is not anti-gay marriage is beyond me.

I feel like I've gone over the magic blood a number of times... and I don't really know what my conclusion was... But whatever, it was a plot mechanic to achieve a deus ex machina. It was great, but it wasn't great because it allowed for them to rehash Wrath of Khan, which was stupid, there's no denying that. But

The episode, unbeknownst to The Doctor, took place in an alternate universe in which everything in the episode that didn't make sense, does make sense.

Fair points. I would just say that, simply put, Game of Thrones and Community are better shows that have come out in the past five years than Orphan Black, but yes, there is a lot to be impressed with when it comes to Orphan Black.


You had an actress playing a Canadian doing a bad English accent. Don't you dare take away one of the only shows of the many shot here that actually takes place here! (And yes, that was amazing, I always find myself losing track of that fact that it's all the same actress, and have to actively remind myself

Remind me what "genre" means again. Because if it just means "sci-fi", then yeah, I might agree, but dammit, just say "sci-fi". If it means "sci-fi/fantasy/hot brothers solving sexy mysteries/shows not about those things but written by people who appreciate those things" (aka everything io9 covers)... I'm going to

If I turned the volume up, I could hear all of them (though not the broken one, obviously); but if I kept the volume at a comfortable level for his talking... well, my ears are older than I am. So... does that count?