
Buffy and Supernatural are supernatural fantasies. I don't even know how you can try to argue they are sci-fi shows.

What, no fun facts about rye (like how it often contains more of other grains than rye)? No fun fact on the differences between whisky and whiskey?

Wasn't it just a year or two ago everyone was saying that consoles were on the way out because everyone was playing mobile games and no one wanted to spend $500 on a system and $60 per game when they can get a "system" for free (with a multi-year contract!) that does a whole lot more than play games and games for a

A couple episodes does not make it a show. It's not a zombie show because they did that one episode with zombies. It's not a Doctor Who spoof because they like to do the odd spoof here and there. South Park, Buffy, Supernatural, Family Guy, and apparently even Friends have done episodes with alternate universes.

I like and appreciate this post.

I don't want to jump in a long, somewhat old debate, and I definitely don't want to reply to such a long comment, buuuuuut I just had to respond to the "muscles are not as sexualized as breasts" statement.

HPV is a virus for which there is no cure.
HPV is the most common STI, at least half of American men and 80% of American women will acquire it at some point in their lives.
HPV is not especially prevented by condoms.
HPV sometimes shows symptoms and sometimes doesn't, it sometimes goes away on its own and sometimes it

"Psychoanalysis later revealed no abnormality."

Simply put, books are quite long. I'm not sure how many books you can really tell in two and a half hours (discounting short stories and the like, obviously), at least without removing a lot of side-content, and if you can afford to remove that much, I question how great the book was. Even Watchmen, which wasn't a

I... can't. But I'm sure it'll all work out. Worse case scenario, we shoot as "The Speed" for a couple grand and sell that to WB...

Can you make that, and make it look top-notch, for less than $65m? If so, you need to pitch that to WB, that could work (it could also fail spectacularly, but that's why I'm not going to give you a hundred or two million to do it).

Interestingly, I liked Superman Returns too... It was far from perfect, but I grew up on the classic Superman films, so seeing a sequel to those (well, to the good ones) was absolutely perfect for me... even if I didn't like Stalkerman and Supes Jr..

...Probably should, but I probably won't. How much of that interesting mythology can they squeeze into a movie that's serving for a lead-in to a team up movie? Judging from Thor, possibly a whole lot, but then again, maybe not.

I have paid extremely close attention. It is not a science fiction series.

I thought Man of Steel was fantastic. The best Superman movie yet (though that bar is not particularly high aside from nostalgic value). I'm not sure I want to see Nolan in charge of the entire DC Cinematic Universe... but is there anyone better lining up to do the job? Nolan/Nolan-Snyder have done a better job

No, I've seen every episode of Community a great many times (it probably averages out to seeing every episode somewhere between 3 and 5 times each), I just wouldn't call it a science fiction show. It appreciates sci-fi, it's written by people who appreciate sci-fi, it makes nods to sci-fi, and it has even had an

I was unaware that science fiction has been expanded to include a children's show about aquatic life, a network sitcom in which one or more of the characters are nerdy, or a British period comedy... not to mention a fantasy series, a comedy series (albeit a sci-fi comedy), another fantasy series, a fantasy movie, and

Given that the images don't focus on what's on screen of the Android phones, but rather the shape and design of the hardware, not to mention the different UIs Android has, I would assume the graphic was comparing size, shape, design, and form factor of the physical design, not the OS, and does plastic affect that?

My desktop is an homage to everything in history that has ever been black: computers, cars, my water bottle, the night, my Ikea furniture, everything.

I wouldn't say it's an entitled attitude about physical discs, it's simply a desire to actually own something, rather than just rent it. The extension of that, being that you can sell something that you own, but if you don't actually own it, you can't sell it. With Netflix and Hulu, no one is under the impression