
It's not a knockoff, it's an upgrade.

" This guy spends his time scouring Flickr for "people in real situations," i.e. minors whose parents probably didn't realize what they were getting into by posting their yearbook portraits on Flickr, and shaming them in explicit detail for having boobs."

Yeah, I hate religion too.

Makes things easier... kinda the whole point of religion—why think for yourself when you don't have to.

I feel like the "who are almost always boys" was an unnecessary sexist jab. Do women not need to be told not to rape anyone? Is it less important for them? Is it okay for a woman to rape a man?

Are you saying that the bias facing women is that they are incapable of properly reading a study? ... Because I don't think that's a bias, and it's a bit sexist, though based on this one article alone, it is 100% accurate.

A quality question to an article obviously very lacking in quality if it made such an obvious mistake.

Just out of curiosity, what are your credentials?

That was some hardcore schadenfreude... I loved it.

My thoughts:

You know, I figured with the rise of Google, Yahoo! would have gone the way of Alta Vista or MSN Messenger in the past decade, and I was amazed it managed to stick around. But damn, Sir Alec was predicting its demise 35 years ago?! Wow.

The day this footage airs is the day they take to land and become our new masters.

*Death machine that looks like an Imperial Star Destroyer.

V kinda got shafted hardcore by saying DS9 was the first show to display "terrorists and resistance fighters in a sympathetic or complicated light"...

Tell me more about this 'genital baldness', I wish to be as smooth as a clam down there but do not want to pay for expensive electrolysis treatments...

I've been saying this for a long time. Lots of our vegetation food is genetically modified. Did you know that cabbage, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli are all the same species of plant? Humans cultivated the plant, domesticated it, and through breeding, we genetically modified it…

Am I the only person who thinks of this movie upon hearing anything about the upcoming Smith and Smith movie After Earth? I mean, is that a sequel or a prequel to this?

I'm nearly certain I've heard planes and what not listed in metres... the other one I'm less confident of...

I have to scratch my head, because some of those seem like great ideas, but some of them seem terrible... My sarcasm detector is going haywire.

Maybe it should be obvious to me, but as someone who was raised with one unit for one thing and a different unit for a different thing, I have a very difficult time when recipes online call for ounces of things. How am I supposed to know which kind of ounces they need!?! It's infuriating, that's all.