Everybody always asks about Prince - the smart one asks about the man standing behind Prince, the one with the large brass key and the little bottle of oil.
Everybody always asks about Prince - the smart one asks about the man standing behind Prince, the one with the large brass key and the little bottle of oil.
“*Altered Carbon’s* Renée Elise Goldsberry”
Thomas Middleditch starring in the new AV Club Interview Series: “Is *This* Your Landmine?”
“Kids, I think you’re really going to love this, it’s a movie that follows on from those books you’ve been reading with your mother”
“the show will return with eight new episodes, aka seasons 2-7”
The one with Catherine Zeta Jones furiously masturbating in the closet?
Mark Millar can draw since when?
Naled it
ADR has been very prevalent all season - I guess the location for the Mutant Underground HQ is by a freeway?
He was good in that Muse music video where he played “Absolutely Not Heath Ledger In His Final Days”.
“Ina-ppropriate car-digans gone-to heaven”
those poor bastards.
I mean - a “Journalist” is technically someone who Journals, and we’re all cool with it being also guys who publish Dream Journals, no?
I would have thought the biggest threat in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be RDJ’s make-up truck running out of sharpies.
I think I was prepared for a lot, but of all of the different versions of spaceships that have been designed as to be from the same fictional manufacturer as the MF, the design that said “We’ll just not cut that bit out”, has always looked really really dumb to me. It’s an old design, for the most part(Colors…
I appreciate your optimism.
[notices what they did to the Falcon]
First time I saw this headline I thought to myself “Well yeah, she’s right. Ron Howard would be proud”
[realises it wasn’t a link to Wookieepedia]