
This is where the young-younger-youngest trend for runway models does an actual disservice to the presentation. I thing this collection would translate so much better on (rail thin, natch) women in their late 20s to early 40s. I think cerebral is a great way to describe the aesthetic, along with architectural and

Er...I believe the problem HML was describing was that there was plenty of aroma coupled with a distinct lack of flavor. This is not a problem of perception, but of people creating poorly balanced dishes.

I followed the link to the photoshoot article, and the comments made me ill. People have no idea what effect their disgust-laden criticism about a slim model can have on women. I do NOT have a similar body to Kate Upton (I do, however, have an eating disorder that I struggle to keep in my past). After enough sick

Omigoodness. That's so awful, I can't even imagine. Retroactive hugs for your 16 year old self, because that's some shift most well adjusted adults would have a hard time dealing with.

RE Fashion Police: true that. I know the fashion angle is merely window dressing on this snarkapoloosa, but their collective ignorance about all things style is embarrassing and insulting. I defy anyone to watch an episode without wanting to punch one of these hacks in the face.

I love so much about this collex, but that double breasted camel coat is the least flattering version of a classic that I've ever seen. The sleeves are enormous! And the position of the pockets add bulk to the hips of Tiny Model. WTH happened there?

I agree. Between that and high school, I'm not sure how anyone emerges to adulthood with sanity intact. And things seem way more annoying now than when I did it. (iz old)

Okay, I'll agree that expecting people to change in that time frame is unrealistic. But some people are always above that stuff; age isn't necessarily the issue. Others are just mean, entitled jerks.

Yeah, you've convinced me. Nothing I can argue with there.

Many people are busy, and still try to work at becoming good people. I'm not sure I see what you are getting at here.

I don't agree with the suggestion of the article that this woman was bullied to death. It implies it, and there is no way of knowing what the situation was really about.

That model looks PISSED. Not happy to have won the Wookie cape/granny panty lottery, I'm guessing.

"Go try to kill yourself on Xanax again, you unstable loser."

Thank you; I am basking in your rational response to this. Sadly, judging from the subsequent comment, your point was entirely lost by its intended recipient. Regardless, please carry on being awesome and coherent.

I completely agree. <50 women absolutely sounds like a reasonable sample size to draw definitive conclusions. I'm glad you've thought this out so carefully and decided to share your insight.

Even though the new one seemed better (I liked the actors and the setup better), it still felt pretty pointless. I just wandered away from the television after a while. Since the previous franchise was so recent,why couldn't they take all that talent and energy and put it into something new? It's not as though the

Tinting grey hair, or adding a few streaks in complementary tones, can make a huge difference. The most beautiful greyheads I know do something to enhance it. It might sound paradoxical (isn't the point of going grey is because it's natural?), but it's cheaper and lower maintenance than fighting the grey. Regrowth

Hmm, now the you mention it...her right eye (our left) looks off. She didn't smoke out the lower liner all the way inward. And it's probably just light reflecting off her lower waterline, but her left eye looks like it has white liner on the waterline (which looks weird about 95% of the time). Now I, too, have

Argh, I hate those questions. Do i ever know where the heck your iPad charger is, never mind at 5 in the morning?

This is very very smart. Thank you for sharing! BF has another (early morning) trip next week, and I'm totally doing this. F*ck the principle of the thing; I just want my sleep.