
Also amazing publicity

That sounds even more sexist lol

What? he got halfway through painting the car and putting new rims on and said “shit I’m late for work!”

Curse words! I really wanna know the story behind that now

Haha, i grew up in TX and in HS we had a kid move from South Africa. Everyone would tell him his accent was awesome and he’d say “you have an accent not me” we laughed because we still though a texas accent was “normal"

That’s kind of the point of sports cars is you have to wind them out to get power. Diesel is for trucks and gens that will live their whole lives in a 1,000 rpm range and pushrod V8s are for cars you want torque in.

Yea that’s were the diesels would go. Why would anyone want a diesel 3 or 6 over the gas engines?

An ‘08 is getting up there in years? Now I feel like a plebe and will go watch a Disney movie about how beautiful a person I am inside and how all rich people are souless fakes :(

Speed doesn’t kill lack of control does

Pro tip your common sense isn’t welcome here :)

I’m on my phone so I don’t know how to post links, but it’s well proven faster speeds reduce traffic.

San Jose =electrical

At peak no. However if there is a bump all through out the rev range than maybe. I rember reading it has a dead spot in the mid range if they fix that you would notice

5th gear: But commenters on Gizmodo assured me nothing could ever go wrong with computers!

If I’m not mistaken he’s getting out of office soon (I’m an American) probably just wants a low profile car for then. I know I would, no one would suspect it “today I saw a bloke in a Micra who looked JUST like David Cameron, I swear!"

Just tell them your intrested in a manual. If it’s not a sports car they’ll start throwing money at you.

Lol his definitely gonna start WW3. That’s why I’m glad I’m getting out of the Army soon. I don’t wanna get killed by the Russians in a dick measuring contest. At least the Afghans can’t aim for shit.

If Trump wins America will have officially achieved it’s destiny of becoming idiocracy

Plus it wouldn’t take you 3 hours to change the spark plugs

If I’m not mistaken the battery can’t keep cool under track conditions. I could be wrong though