
I hope they gave it strong internals. People are going to be trying to get 300hp out of this thing.

I don’t think this would’ve been out of place as a scene from idiotcracy


No that’s definitely not the definition of a safe following distance. One time on the interstate a guy cut me of with about as much room as they had stopped. So I flipped him off and on return he brake checked me. I was able to come to a stop without hitting him but it wasn’t anywere close to safe.

There’s interstates with 55mph speed limits? Guess I should stop bitching about WA 65mph. I’m from Texas were 75 is average. The only ticket my family ever got was when my dad did 55 because his truck was overheating

He’s probably talking about the total segment he wants Tesla to include. They do make higher class cars than Ford, GM, Toyota after all

If they made that a real job recruitment numbers would be through the roof

Idk about fighters but most military pilots need so many flight hours a week so they could do something productive with those

Good thing they were already going that way. He would’ve died for sure if they had to dispatch it.

I’ve never had to get emissions testing done but do they normally test the car cold from startup?

8 inch higher and 400 lbs is alot of difference. The higher roll center will transfer much more weight laterally as well as contribute to vague steering. On the top of that an extra 400 lbs is a shitload. I don’t know why you don’t think its a big deal

I actually think an autonomous racing series could be intresting. If they could make it so the league programmed the “driver” and the teams make the cars interface with it. It would be an engineers wet dream! It would all come down to the cars themselves. Finally we could answer the important questions like Mustang or

Didn’t you hear the grammar nazis lost ww2


Haha thats my new favorite saying

I can’t watch the video right now but I don’t see what the issue is. In the military their’s a saying “You can’t help a casualty if your a causualty” pulling panicking people out of a sinking car in water you can’t stand in without a floatation device is suicide. As a former lifeguard drowning people tend to grab on

And the Integra too!

True I’ve lost count how many times I’ve yelled at my car that I was going to sell it to ISIS so they could use it as a car bomb

Looks like ISIS is about to get a major fleet upgrade!

I’m not sure what’s funnier this, or imaging Ferrari engineers arguing about how the wiper stalk should operate