
but she did have it coming. she should have stayed away. but she came back. never go back. never.

also, why are we acting like a victim of any crime should be ashamed?

so there is a context were looking inside a child's whoha is ok? (Outside of a doctor or parent. )

so its idiots like you that keep judges like Susan Reed in office for 20 fucking year. OMG, the rage that is filling me right now. :( weep. I weep for our nation.

so we take a persons rights away for stealing a candy bar. hell we can give people life in prison for stealing a pizza. but we cant quarantine a shit head asshole for a month?!?!? WTF?

why cant we use computers to set 5 am as sunrise?

crackers love cheese.

I would give my right nut to see JLO from every angel.

my S.O. says me and you should be glad we never had sidekicks, she used to work ATT and she says that phone was always an issue.

I have to disagree. When I was hooked on cocaine back in the mid 90s, my mom not being a all touch love is the only reason I was able to come back from it. if she had kicked me out and said get clean... yak yak yak... I would likely be dead.

I really dislike LD. Nearly HATE her. I also really loth her show. That said, I see no upside to censoring her or anyone else. at least now we can talk about what is wrong with kids touching each other. because lots of families dont talk about things like this.

THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING. But it happens. 20 year old albums should not still be demanding the price of new music. Hell 20 year old albums should not even be 10. The should be 5.00. WTF?!?!?!??!

that is fine. But a 20 year old album should not still be 20.00.

CD's should be 5.99 to 15.99 and should go up down like stock prices. Not keep going up like Picasso's! Till the music people get this, I will not buying a fucking CD or a mp3 or anything else. and one last note... LULU was crap and I want my money

I very happy to have never heard Swift at all. Bless the baby Jesus. And Allah.

I miss matchmaker.com, 1995, the women wanted to meet people and did not have profiles filled with what they did not want. And the ladies were sexual beings. Women on modern day okcupid are all sad or angry and are looking for some perfect myth.

BEARSHARE. Loved that. I have a terabyte of BS on stacks of dvdRs'.

people would reply to comments, and had helpful things to say. And they were friendly. 😡

RITTER SPORT Butter Biscuit!

and what? Men