
are you awake you sound like asshole?

SNL's acoustics suck. And have sucked for a very long time. Why no will force them to change that is beyond me. But, I guess that what the free-market gets you.

so you think people should just do with out the things they want, because of road blocks? so i guess you think fat people should just be able to eat less and move more?

yea, blame it all on the evil man. ok.

well, laughing at people HAS ended for

IF you say so Zimmerman.

my S.O. wakes up at 5am to be at work at 9am. at least an hour of that is bath, makeup, hair, teeth, dressing.

men who make too much money are the market. da.

power rots the mind. the real issue is, why you think you can give people power?

because, every women is someones mom, sister, wife. and men don't ever stop wanting to be protectors.

power corrupts.

i will say it. cheating is ok. not for the people it hurt. clearly. but its not a thing that should be a crime or a matter for the FBI to investigate, or a matter that needs ken-fucking-star.

Mitt is free to have as many wives as his wife will let him. Or mess around. All cheaters get a pass from me.

having a affair is something ones spouse can be upset about, the rest of the world should mind its own business.

so are you saying, this was the only Prz to miss around?

why was that even allowed to be asked. WTF!

I wish people would shame Linda Trip, she was the real villain in this mess.

I would vote for her. Just because I hate Hillary. (Otherwise, I will vote for Hill.)

does a savvy person sleep with the married leader of a super power nation?

I want to know why we let having sex with a married man be a crime. and I want to know why we are even allowed to ask said married man about his affairs. and I want to know why we can compile people to speak about their affairs they are having/had. all of this is wrong.