
restroom ? No! Waiting room? NO! FOOD COURT? YES!!!!!!!!!

I Agree but if he is a D, she is a B.

I took this that asked a series of what is worse this or that. All and all nothing to really even worry about. But than, one came up with thing like getting fired or a baby being set of fire. And I was, WHAT? WHY, WOULD THEY be trying to weed out that kind of person? Do complete nuts even try to find Jobs?

hipster 👓 douche being an ass, nothing to see here. Carry on and eat more kale.

and prohibition seemed grate to some idiot, too. And what else would big media say? It's self serving. Meanwhile they self censor to avoid having it done by the government.

given the evil I have had visited on me over the last 40 years, I think I could do this job. And would do it for 50 a week. And benefits. But I am wacked.

links should not be a crime, they should be treated as protected speech.

X. I hate jumpy dogs. And I never pet beast of any kind. And I kick those that jump on me. I had dogs as a child, and they can be taught. So it's on the owners.

this. Thx. This says it all. And I would add, I wish companies like Microsoft would stop putting odd demands in their software. I have firewall, and if I lock it down too good I can't get online but don't get errors as to why. Or if I don't update I can't get online. Or Chrome it updates too too too fucking often.…

I guess this is why google search sucks, because someone thinks email needs fixing first. Nevermind I would like if email did not change every six months and always drop the one thing I liked or try to cram more adds into it.

...yea, its perfectly safe for men to drink too much. Yea.

That's what she said.

Nope that's what's tea for.

want? Lemons rule. As does coke, diet coke, and coke zero. And big red. And a&w root beer.

yea that worked for drugs so well?

so why did people in the 50's find it so easy to abuse black people? who did they learn? or 1960, 1970, 1980?

if I sang them to a woman I could see her being creeped out. But I loved being sung this song. And that it took place while I had my head in her lap and with her hand rubbing my head, was cool. Which Is why I am confused she married a fucking pock faced giraffe douch. Never mind I now seems to be dating a woman. WTF,…

I see what you saying. But given that, You think GTA is safe? Because once women are seen as driving force in what gets made, how is rock-star not going to remove hookers from GTA, to protect sales of Real-House-Wives-Of-Hacking the game????

what's creepy?

I don't know why there can't be niches. I blame greed. Every developer started out being Metallica and now they want to be Coke-a-Cola. Meanwhile, I would just like GTA to be more explicit, and more exclusionary. Let the kiddies play candy crush or some other homebrew clap trap. Just leave my games as is. And I will…