
Tell that to Paula Deen. Criticism can cost someone their job. (yes she will end up online.)

I bring up P-Deen, because outrage got her off the air. (And to partly understand your of view.) Yes money caused Deen to put back into the world, via online. I don't like Deen. Or don imus but people are willing to pay them. Fine. I can see games like GTA ending up off of the big three systems due to public out

All I am saying is, games should be what the person buying wants. not something that has been vetted and shaped by outside forces. let those outside forces make their own games. they should be able to have their own games, if they can find people willing to pander to them.

I would like to thank, in advance, the activist for causing games like Grand-Theft-Auto to be dumped by the big 3 systems and becoming a strictly mmog for adults and costing a arm and a leg. :( :P :) :/

True. But the outside pressure from activist can still over turn things. Look at how P.Deen ended up off the air, and is now set to be online. One voice pushed her off, but money put her back, but in another medium.

I love how media can create out rage and move the masses to stomp out things it does not like. Great job, crusaders.

... Who isn't driven to acting out, when cornered? They are 100% in the wrong, but most people over react during a flight or fight moment.

All I know is, I don't want any nice-ing up or PC-ing of Grand-Theft-Auto!

LOL. I am sure none of their comments will be posted. Because Jezebel is a echo chamber that can't stand to hear one single disagreeing voice.

OMG, this is so so money. this rules.

that is so disingenuous. you very well know that the general public has no way of knowing who is secure and who is not. And do you really think it is good to assume most people are secure vs. assuming most are not??????????????????????????????????????????? I would think only an idiot would trust their data to...

Goood point s. But money should speak louder than activist pressure .

And you think no one is using it? Texas government offices are still running XP. Also this is breaking news.

That is what they did to t

Or let the market shape games and not pandering to PC bull?????

Today we are publishing details of a vulnerability in the design of SSL version 3.0. This vulnerability allows the plaintext of secure connections to be calculated by a network attacker

Something tells me this is going to make Grand Theft Auto #9 suck. :(

Why do people have no faith in others. People always have to have their own epiphany. Kind sad, it waste so much Time. Something we can't get back. :<

I used to work in a call center, but my job got sent to India. My boss was all, "Think of all the good that job brings, the money, for the"... poors... sob sob.

but in a good way...